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Updated: January 21, 2025

It is shown, however, in the remarks which follow, that Cicero did not intend this as a serious argument, but as a criticism on what he deemed an inappropriate expression. “Rem ipsam prorsus probo: elegantiam desidero. Appellet hæc desideria naturæ; cupiditatis nomen servet alio,” etc.

Upon some day, seemingly by chance, but really having its antecedent in the remotest antiquity, a company of men participate in some simple act, of sacrifice, it may be, or of amusement. Now that act will be reiterated. "Quod semel dictum est stabilisque rerum Terminus servet." The subtile law of repetition, as regards the human will, is as sure in Determination as it is in Consciousness.

Writers on liturgy answer, 1st to offer to God the first fruits of our day, of our work, of our devotion, following in this the example of Christ, Who from His first entry into the world offered Himself to His Father for the salvation of mankind. 2d To beg of Him to keep us safe during the day, 3d To beg of Him to keep us free from sin, "ut in diurnis actibus nos servet a nocentibus."

Seven years before the conference which was now to take place in Calvin's house on the proposals of the queen-mother, Michel Servet, a Frenchman, travelling through Switzerland, was arrested at Geneva, tried, condemned, and burned alive, on Calvin's accusation, for having "attacked the mystery of the Trinity," in a book which was neither written nor published in Geneva.

He first arrived at Geneva in 1536, was exiled in 1538, and recalled finally in 1541; he became the legislator as well as the religious reformer of the state. He is still the great hero of the Genevese, who believe him to be innocent of the death of Michael Servet, which has in the general opinion cast such disgrace on his memory.

My voman cry continually for him. I still fumigate the pipe, ant say, 'What was your son's name, and where servet he? Perhaps I may know him. 'His name was Karl Mayer, ant he servet in ze Austrian Jagers. 'He were of pig stature, ant a handsome man like yourself, puts in Mariechen. I say, 'I know your Karl. 'Amalia, exclaimet my Vater. 'Come here!

From this were taken two lines appropriated by Horace, and instanced as models of graceful flattery: "Tene magis salvum populus velit, an populum tu, Servet in ambiguum qui consulit et tibi et Urbi, Iupiter."

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