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Updated: August 28, 2024

It would have meant the violation of my code in such matters." "Ah, I apprehend. A woman, eh? That dashing Sepulvida girl?" "Her mother would have saved me for old sake's sake, but I would have been expected to secure her investment with collateral in the shape of a six-dollar wedding ring." "So the old lady wanted you for a son-in-law, eh? Smart woman. She has a long, sagacious nose.

Nor was the free will and independence of Don Jose Sepulvida in the least opposed by his relations. Whether they felt they had already committed themselves, or had hopes in the future, did not transpire. Enough that the escapade of a week was tacitly forgotten.

A few days after this colloquy the unsuspecting subject of it, Don Jose Sepulvida, was sitting alone in the same apartment. The fading glow of the western sky, through the deep embrasured windows, lit up his rapt and meditative face.

On the day appointed, the traveling carriage of the Sepulvidas, an equipage coeval with the beginning of the century, drawn by two white mules gaudily caparisoned, halted before the hotel at San Mateo and disgorged Father Felipe, the Donas Carmen and Inez Alvarado and Maria Sepulvida, while Don Victor and Don Vincente Sepulvida, their attendant cavaliers on fiery mustangs, like outriders, drew rein at the same time.

By the blood of the devil, his son's statement indicated a certain priggishness, which he, Don Miguel, could not deplore too greatly. "You taught me pride of race," his son reminded him. "I merely desire to improve our race by judicious selection when I mate. And, of course, I'll have to love the woman I marry. And I do not love Anita Sepulvida." "She loves you," the old don had declared bluntly.

So there was the Engineer flanked by damsels said to enjoy no little wealth and social station, yet his blue eyes ever wandered over across and further down the table where sat Pancha with a stuffy old cigar merchant between her and their party, and that scape-grace, Sepulvida, ogling on the other hand. Two, at least, of that reassembling company deserved their appetites at breakfast.

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