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Updated: November 13, 2024
When he was through he climbed out and said: "There's to much Spy talk going on, to my thinking, miss. And anyhow, what would a Spy be after in this house?" "Well," I observed, in an indignant manner, for I am sensative and hate to have my word doubted, "as my father is in a business which is now War Secrets and nothing else, I can understand, if you can't."
She said it had a dretful chill the night before, and she had to get up to warm blankets to put round it; "its nerves wuz so weak," she said, "and it wuz so sensative that she could not trust it to a nurse." She has a hard time of it; there haint a doubt of it. Wall, it wuz anon, or jest about anon, that Miss Flamm turned to me and sez, "Moon's is one of the pleasantest places on the lake.
He's known as Grosvenor here, of course. They'll never suspect a thing. Now, do I get a small `thank you'?" "I won't see him." "Now look here, Bab," he protested, "you two have got to make this thing up You are a pair of Idiots, quarreling over nothing. Poor old Hal is all broken up. He's sensative. You've got to remember how sensative he is." "Go, away" I cried, in broken tones.
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