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They are not made from the bush currant which is generally grown in the United States, and the two plants are not in any way related. Grape Vines for an Arbor. How shall I prune grape vines, viz: Tokay, Black Cornichon, Muscat, Thompson Seedless, Rose of Peru, planted for a grape arbor?

They stock all the goods mentioned in this book, and I should like to draw special attention to their unpolished rice and seedless raisins, both of which are exceptionally good. To those about to invest in a Food-Chopper I would recommend the 5/ size. The other is inconveniently small. Emprote.

There were a good many boxes of these, some with rough skins, some with smooth, some with little bunches at the end. These last, her aunt explained to the little girl, were seedless and rather too dry for breakfast, though very nice for dinner. "The rough-skinned ones are light, as you will see if you lift one, so they would have little juice.

They were seedless, the tree having to be propagated from slips. When the fruit was ripe the tree looked like a huge ball of pale amber gems hiding in the shadows of dark pointed leaves. Their grape arbors were delightful pictures in their season of maturity. Some vines had clusters of fruit three feet long; but these I was told were only to show what they could do in grape culture.

Other seedless varieties can be propagated by buds; their origin is in most cases unknown, and we are not sure as to whether they should be classified with the constant or with the inconstant varieties. A very curious loss is that of starch in the grains of the sugar-corn and the sugar-peas. Equally remarkable is the loss of the runners in the so-called "Gaillon" strawberries.

From the hot swamps of the tropical country at Bahia the United States Consul had sent six cuttings of this peculiar orange to be planted in the Washington gardens. All died but the two at Riverside. In 1880 they bore half a bushel of fruit, and the new seedless oranges were talked of throughout Southern California.