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These I can readily have made for me in London, and by the aid of a lathe I shall be able to adapt the several parts, which I shall have made by different mechanicians for secrecy's sake. Should I succeed, it may be the means of putting some hundreds of pounds in my pocket.

Damon, alarmed and irritated at the man's behaviour, formed a conspiracy with a few young men of his own age, not many, for secrecy's sake, but consisting of sixteen in all. These men smeared their faces with soot, excited themselves by strong drink, and assaulted the Roman officer just at daybreak, while he was offering sacrifice in the market-place.

And, after all, he'll know some time. She's been threatening to come herself and tell him. So, don't flatter yourself that your secrecy's worth any price you choose to ask. You drain me of money till I have got nothing to pacify her with, and she'll do as she threatens some day. It's all one. I'll tell my father everything myself, and you may go to the devil."

Colonel Mannheim looked at the biophysicist speculatively. "You seem to think secrecy's important all of a sudden." Bart Stanton grinned and kept silent. Dr. Farnsworth went over to a table, where an urn of coffee radiated soft warmth. "Cream and sugar over there on the tray," he said as he began to fill cups.

Reader, if you wrest my words beyond their fair construction, it is you, and not I, that are the April Fool. Still-born Silence! thou that art Flood-gate of the deeper heart! Offspring of a heavenly kind! Frost o' the mouth, and thaw o' the mind! Secrecy's confident, and he Who makes religion mystery! Admiration's speaking'st tongue!

As for time, the sooner the better, though for secrecy's sake we had better meet at night. Shall we say at midnight?" But Sir Terence would agree to none of this. "To-night is out of the question for me. I have an engagement that will keep me until late. To-morrow night, if you will, I shall be at your service."