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"I didn't mean to frighten you; but you've got to keep quiet, for your own sake, Sylvia." "I thought you said you wouldn't call me Sylvia." "I've said a good many foolish things in the course of my life, and changed my mind about them afterwards." "Or feel sorry if I came to grief " "And a good many untrue and wicked ones for which I have repented afterwards."

To encounter death, or the danger of death, for the sake of duty when the choice is there; but duty and death are preferred to ignominious security, or, better still, to security which shall bring with it self-abasement that is grand. When I hear that a man "rushed into the field and, foremost fighting, fell," if there have been no adequate occasion, I think him a fool.

I should say that he was amused by himself enormously and was quite ready to pose and to bewilder for the sake of the amusement it brought him. He was never spoiled nor misled by either his fame or his notoriety.

It is not seeing, it is seeking that is delightful so delightful that I would willingly set my life there against another life here for the sake of it." He was silent, for his strength failed, and Pentaur begged him to keep quiet, and to occupy his mind in recalling all the hours of joy which life had given him. "They have been few," said the leech.

"But knights of worth, and men of noble mind, If any chance to travel by this tower, That for these maidens' sake will be so kind To try their strength against the giant's power, Shall have a maiden's prayer, both day and night, To prosper them with good successful fight."

In those ancient times, he was little more than the greatest proprietor in his dominions, to whom, for the sake of common defence against their common enemies, the other great proprietors paid certain respects.

Tired, I alighted, and fastened my horse to something, like a pointed stump of a tree, which appeared above the snow; for the sake of safety, I placed my pistols under my arm, and laid down on the snow, where I slept so soundly that I did not open my eyes till full daylight.

We all liked the old-fashioned plan of the bride going straight from her father's house to her husband's. The other way seemed a poor invention, just for the sake of something different.

Although the credit of these successful operations was entirely due to Gessi, it must not be supposed that General Gordon took no part in controlling them; but, for the sake of clearness, it seemed advisable to narrate the history of the campaign against Suleiman without a break.

By the Cross of Christ is not to be understood here the two pieces of wood to which He was nailed, but all the afflictions of the believers whose sufferings are Christ's sufferings. Elsewhere Paul writes: "Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church."