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She dragged her arm away in such a hurry that she scratched her hand on a pin that Agnès had stupidly left in my belt. "Voyez! vous avez fait saigner ma main," she said almost crying with fury. All I said was, "Qui s'y-frotte s'y pique," and as we had got to the door of my room, I went off in fits of laughter she looked so like a cross monkey I could not help it!

Yet that is the unscientific defence which Germany has adopted in her endeavours to explain away her aggressive attitude to Belgium, France, and Great Britain. In a word, the principles underlying saigner

Many such passages might be cited to prove that Germany would like to see a split among the allies. But France's honour and welfare are in her own hands, and it appears a futile hope that Germany, after failing to bring France to submission and self-effacement by threats of saigner

It would be superfluous to review here the history of Franco-German relations during the last half century; other writers have already performed the task. Yet the whole trend of development in the relations between the two powerful neighbours may be defined by two watch-words: saigner

One writer, in some fifty pages of venom, endeavours to show that England is France's executioner. Another gives our ally the advice "awake!" After Germany has played the saigner-

When I prepare for my bed at night she shall not be forgotten." "'Les morts que l'on fait saigner dans leur tombe se vengent toujours!" she quoted to herself as she undressed; and while she prided herself upon being above superstition, decided upon the above method of propitiating the Shade. In the night she had a dream which bathed her in the sweat of terror.