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"When you s'lute your s'perior officer," he shouted, "you s'lute him quick. You unnerstan', you s'lute him quick! S'lute me again," he commanded, "and s'lute me damn quick." Standish remained motionless. As is the habit of policemen over all the world, his thumbs were stuck in his belt. He answered without offense, in tones matter-of-fact and calm. "You are not my superior officer," he said.

I come so near drillin' ye when ye hopped up that I'm sweatin' blood right now." In truth, the veteran was pale around the mouth and his broad face was beaded with cold drops. "I seen more 'n one time in France when I felt like shootin' my s'perior officer, but I never come so near doin' it as jest now.

Justus is a mighty s'perior man; pity he never hed no eddication. He could hev done anything sharp ez a brier. Yes; Wat's beat, I reckon." In the instant Theodosia's heart sank. But she turned from the palings, and sauntered resolutely on. It well behooved her to take counsel with herself. "I mought hev made a turr'ble, turr'ble mistake," she muttered.

Philip Throckmorton said as how as soon as he had a home er his own you would be the fust pusson ter occupew his gues' chamber. An' then Mr. Little Josh he said how noble an' 'stinguished you were an' s'perior. I tell you, Miss Ann, these here folks air all proud er bein' yo' kin. They's all quarrelin' 'bout whar you air gonter visit nex'."