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In the long winter evenings of Toronto Mr. Goldwin Smith has had, probably, abundant experience of it. What is its enemy? The instinct of self-preservation in humanity. Men make crude types and try to impose them, but to no purpose. "L'homme s'agite, Dieu le mene," says Bossuet. "There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Eternal, that shall stand."

The water crept stealthily, slimily, towards the sea. The two men held their breath and waited. Cornish was kneeling at the edge of the water, peering over. "Where is he?" he repeated. "Gad! Roden, where is he?" And Roden, in a hoarse voice, answered at length "He is in the mud at the bottom head downwards." "L'homme s'agite et Dieu le mene."

"Victime des desirs, esclave des regrets, L'homme s'agite, et s'use, et vieillit sans progres Sur sa toile de Penelope; Comme un sage mourant, puissions-nous dire en paix J'ai trop longtemps erre, cherche; je me trompais; Tout est bien, mon Dieu m'enveloppe." Upon the small remains of Amiel's prose outside the Journal there is no occasion to dwell.

Mithra is the Mediator, who stands between "le Dieu inaccessible, et inconnaissable, qui regne dans les spheres etherees, et le genre humain qui s'agite ici-bas." "Il est le Logos emane de Dieu, et participant a sa toute puissance, qui apres avoir forme le monde comme demiurge continue a veiller sur lui."

Whatever may be its defects, it unquestionably exemplifies the character of the nation, so faithfully pourtrayed by Beaumarchais, in the following lines of the vaudeville which concludes the Mariage de Figaro: "Si l'on opprime, il peste, il crie, Il s'agite en cent facons, Tout finit par des chansons." bis. Paris, February 17, 1802.

Most of it was anonymous. I have kept it all, however, and I quote the following poem, which is rather nice: Passant, te voila sans abri: La flamme a ravage ton gite. Hier plus leger qu'un colibri; Ton esprit aujourd'hui s'agite, S'exhalant en gemissements Sur tout ce que le feu devore. Tu pleures tes beaux diamants?... Non, tes grands yeux les ont encore!