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The polarization of light is a phenomenon as undoubtedly singular as the existence of the X rays; and the upheaval produced in natural philosophy by the theories of the disintegration of matter and the ideas concerning electrons is probably not more considerable than that produced in the theories of light and heat by the works of Young and Rumford.

Joshua Walden, of Rumford, Province of New Hampshire, was receiving letters from Samuel Adams and Doctor Joseph Warren in relation to the course pursued by King George III. and his ministers in collecting revenue from the Colonies. Mr. Walden had fought the French and Indians at Ticonderoga and Crown Point in the war with France.

I'll tell you what I'll do, invite her to take supper with us, and then you'll see what a glorious girl she is." "I can believe all you say of her." Once more, the following morning, Robert had the pleasure of shaking hands with Doctor Warren and Samuel Adams, and receiving the thanks of the committee of supply for the contribution from Rumford. Mr.

'Not at any price? Philip fancied his tone too quakerly. 'Indeed I am not one of that party! said Mr. Rumford, beginning to glow; but he feared a snare, and his wound drew him in again. 'When are you ever at peace! quoth his host, shocked by the inconsiderate punctuality of Mrs.

Rumford drank some champagne and murmured with a shrug to the acquiescent lady beside him: 'Irishmen! implying that the race could not be brought to treat serious themes as befitted the seriousness of the sentiments they stir in their bosoms.

Robert, their only son, twenty years old, would be glad to take another nap after being called by his father, but felt it would not be manly for one who had mowed all the hired men out of their swaths in the hayfield, and who had put the best wrestler in Rumford on his back, to lie in bed and let his father do all the chores, with the cows lowing to get to the pasture.

Where are the remembrances of that extraordinary man whom the original charter describes as "our well-beloved Benjamin, Count of Rumford?" Well, you will find a portrait of him, it is true, if you search far enough, hung high above a doorway in a room with other portraits. But one finds it hard to escape the feeling that there has been just a trifling miscarriage of justice in the disposal.

The circumstances did not permit of his being suffered to slip away: and his complexion showed that he might already be classed among the roast. 'Your Lion: Mr. Rumford, you should know, is discomposed, as a thoughtful patriot, by the inexplicable presence of the Unicorn in the Royal Standard, and would be glad to account for his one horn and the sickly appearance of the beast.

Count Rumford appears to have rightly conjectured that the inhabitants of certain hot countries, who sleep at nights on the tops of their houses, are cooled during this exposure by the radiation of their heat to the sky; or, according to his manner of expression, by receiving frigorific rays from the heavens.

Rumford covered the wound his delicate sensations had experienced under an apology for Captain Con, that would redound to the credit of his artfulness were it not notorious our sensations are the creatures and born doctors of art in discovering unguents for healing their bruises. 'O'Donnell has a shrewd head for business. He is sound at heart. There is not a drop of gout in his wine.