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Her rubber-heeled oxfords were pounding down hard on the white marble pavement. Suddenly she saw coming swiftly toward her a woman who seemed strangely familiar a well-dressed woman, harassed looking, a tense frown between her eyes, and her eyes staring so that they protruded a little, as one who runs ahead of herself in her haste.

I do wish, though, he wasn't so somehow innocent so easy so confoundedly affable and handshaking with everybody that comes along. There's a sneaky-looking stranger at the hotel rubber-heeled fellow named Higginson, with one of these black felt hats pulled down over his eyes like a stage villain that Hare never laid eyes on till to-day.

She stiffened, and became again a housemaid in the Anthony Cardew house, a self-effacing, rubber-heeled, pink-uniformed lower servant. She glanced at Mrs. Cardew, whose eyebrows were slightly raised. "Thank you, miss," she said. And went out, leaving Lily rather chilled and openly perplexed. "Well!" she said. Then she glanced at her mother.

"You couldn't even let The Spider cross over peaceful." "I reckon he earned all he got," said one of the men. "Mebby. But it took three fast guns to git him and he put them out of business first. I'd 'a' liked to seen some of you rubber-heeled heifers tryin' to put the irons on him." "That kind of talk won't do you no good when you're on the stand, young fella.

With a gasp of exasperation, Helen flung back the bed clothes and sat up. Switching on the light by the side of her bed she hunted for a book, but not finding any, she contemplated for a short space of time a pair of rubber-heeled shoes just showing themselves under the edge of a chair. With sudden decision she left the bed and dressed rapidly.