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But Sir Adrian, the philosopher, though he could find no words to impeach the logic of his friend's reasoning, and was all astir with admiration for a resignation as perfect as either Christian or Stoic could desire, found his soul rising in tumultuous rebellion against the hideous decree.

Why should you be interested? Are you a detective?" "No, I am not a detective, but I cannot explain to you my interest. I am trying to serve you, to keep you from being drawn into a plot " "Rather to keep me from learning the truth, Mr. Jack Keith," she burst forth, rising to her feet indignantly. "You are here trying to prejudice me against Mr. Hawley.

The decks of a thousand monster craft teemed with fighting-men, for an alarm on Omean was a thing of rare occurrence. We cast away before the sound of the first gun had died, and another second saw us rising swiftly from the surface of the sea. I lay at full length along the deck with the levers and buttons of control before me.

"I'm not going to make a slave of myself about it, if you mean that. I don't suppose I shall ever marry, and as for rising to be a swell in the profession, I don't care about it." "You used to care about it, very much. You used to say that if you didn't get to the top it shouldn't be your own fault." "And I have worked; and I do work. But things get changed somehow.

Slowly spring merged into summer, and more and more did it seem to Nan that the past was nothing but a dream. She returned to her customary pursuits with all her old zest, rising early in the mornings to follow the otter-hounds, tramping for miles, and returning ravenous to breakfast; or, again, spending hours in the saddle, and only returning at her own sweet will.

He took both of them in his arms and bore them to the roof, caring nothing for the moment for the rising water. Finally composing himself, he kissed them both and watched them float away. His father arrived here to-day to assist his son and take home with him the bodies of the children, which have been recovered. Dr.

The genius and merit of a rising poet was celebrated by the applause of his own and the kindred tribes.

That something was pending was indicated by the fact that little Di sat accoutred in her hat and cloak. "We shall have to make haste," said Sir Richard, rising, "for I should not like to be late, and it is a long drive to Whitechapel." "When do they begin?" asked Welland.

Conversation, which had begun like a summer-shower, in scattering drops, was fast becoming continuous, and occasionally rising into gusty swells, with now and then a broad-chested laugh from some Captain or Major or other military personage, for it may be noted that all large and loud men in the impaved districts bear military titles.

The Ashanti rising was the result of long premeditation and preparation. On the 13th of March, the governor of the Gold Coast, accompanied by Lady Hodgson, left Accra to make a tour of inspection.