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Those poor succinct bundles, the making of them up and stowing of them; the pangs of simple hearts, in those remote native valleys; the tears that were not seen, the cries that were addressed to God only: and then at last the actual turning out of the poor caravan, in silently practical condition, staff in hand, no audible complaint heard from it; ready to march; practically marching here: which of us can think of it without emotion, sad, and yet in a sort blessed!

It crossed my mind that I might possibly break my bargain with Elsa. But the peril was remote. "My God, it's maddening to be treated like a beast. Am I repulsive, am I loathsome?" "What a question, my dear M. Struboff!" "And I live with her. It is for all day and every day." "Come, come, be reasonable. We're not lovesick boys."

III. To the trophies of this double victory were soon added those of a third, obtained over the eighty vessels of the Phoenicians off the coast of Cyprus. These signal achievements spread the terror of the Athenian arms on remote as on Grecian shores.

Hence his knowledge of plans, elevations, sections, and specifications, was not greater at the end of two years of probation than might easily have been acquired in six months by a youth of average ability himself, for instance amid a bustling London practice. But at any rate he could make himself handy to one of the profession some man in a remote town and there fulfil his indentures.

In the church perhaps the most interesting item, by reason of the alien touch in this remote corner of Hampshire, is an heraldic stone of the Meinertzhazen family brought here from St. Michael's, Bremen, at the end of the nineteenth century. The square font of Purbeck marble is of the same date as the Norman arch in the chancel.

It meant a régime hostile to Britain that carried with it secession and the remote possibility of civil war. In that restaurant, as throughout the whole Union, Smuts was at that moment literally the observed of all observers. Far off in London the powers-that-be were praying that this blonde and bearded Boer could successfully man the imperial breach.

On each occasion she had felt a thrill like that of music persuasive, living vibrations passing to remote recesses of her being. No nearer had she ever come to the man she loved, no nearer had he sought to come.

The fisherman made a hole in the ice and struck the fish with his harpoon when the poor creatures came up to the surface to breathe. From the most remote times the Americans knew how to make and use harpoons. As many as twenty. eight different kinds are known. In some the barbs are bilateral, but most of them have them on one side only.

Yet in these flying Galloway landscapes there was an impression of the mystic and melancholy, which reminded Sir S. of "The Twilight of the Gods": strange purple rocks jutting out into water coldly bright as a sheet of mercury, and desolate islands remote and haunted as the place where Gunter and his sister lived in the opera.

When they saw no one descending to the level ground, and the enemy extending themselves along the entire wall in every direction, fearing lest every hope of flight should be cut off, they cast away their arms, and sought, without stopping, the most remote parts of the town.