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And besides, we need run no risks this time we need not go into the terrible parts." "Very good, Mas'r Harry; only reck'lect about the pitcher as goes so often to the well getting broken at last." "But you'll go with me, Tom?" I said. "Go with you, Mas'r Harry? Course I will! I should just like to catch you going without me. Don't you get coming none of them games."

"In figgeral language; for I don't reck'lect jest the exac' date when she did r'a'ly eat crow; 'twas a good many years ago, 'n' I wouldn't have her hear of it neow for nothin'. I'm natch'ally ashamed o' them ongodly tricks neow 'nd besides, it 'u'd lay harder on her stommick 'n a high-school grammar." "I won't tell her," I said. "I'm hardly acquainted with her, anyway."

"Look ye here," said Ike, waving his arms about from the top of the pile of baskets, and addressing me as if from a rostrum. "When you loads a cart, reck'lect as all your weight's to come on your axle-tree. Your load's to be all ballancy ballancy, you see, so as you could move it up or down with a finger." "Oh yes, I see!" I cried. "Oh yes, you see now I've telled you," said Ike.

They told us, Tom, you reck'lect t'other day over in the nigger town there when we was on sentry go, him were the chief of the gang, and were boastin' o' killin' our h'officers and makin' all on us cut and run. Lor', I'd give a year's pay to settle that there beggar's hash!"

"Then you never heard either your father or mother mention any other name than Bright I mean in connection with yourselves?" said Ruth in a disappointed tone. "Never, Miss, as I can reck'lect on. I would willin'ly say yes, to please you, but I'd raither not tell no lies." "That's right my good boy," said Mrs Dotropy, with a stately but approving nod, "for you know where all liars go to."