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Rear-Admiral Fiske, of the United States Navy, strongly urging such an attack, wrote in an open letter: The German Naval General Staff realizes the value of concentration of power and mobility in as large units as possible. The torpedo plane embodies a greater concentration of power and mobility than does any other mechanism.

I am, dear sir, Your very obedient humble servant, SPENCER. Admiralty, June 1800. The Cæsar arrived at Torbay on the 14th December, and on the 21st reached Spithead, where she remained during the rest of the year 1800. Sir James Saumarez is promoted to the rank of Rear-admiral. Appointed to command the advanced squadron. Proceedings at the Black Rocks. Douvarnenez Bay. Returns to England.

I take it he is in nowise disinclined to talk about it, simple as it is: he has been seven- and-thirty years in the navy, being somewhat more mature in the service than Lieutenant Peel, Rear-Admiral Prince de Joinville, and other commanders who need not be mentioned.

The Warspite and Captain Goodfellow both died natural deaths; one as a receiving-ship, and the other as a rear-admiral of the white. The Dover, Captain Drinkwater, was lost in attempting to weather Scilly in a gale, when her commander, and quite half her crew, were drowned.

In June, 1915, a crisis in the internal affairs of Haiti seemed imminent and, at the request of the State Department, Rear-Admiral Caperton was ordered to Haitian waters. Towards the latter part of July the government of President Guillaume was overthrown, and he and members of his cabinet took refuge in the French and Dominican legations.

And the irrepressible exclamation came from all our boy lips at once, "How glorious!" Ugly saluted us in a most vociferous manner, continuing his welcome from the time we left the shore to the moment we reached the yacht. "Behold," said Harry, "our rear-admiral waving his ta I beg his honour's pardon flag."

In the mean time the line had been inverted, which brought Rear-admiral Drake's division in the van, and that of Rear-admiral Hood, which had been engaged, in the rear. The signal having been made for a general chase, the two ships above mentioned would have been cut off, had not De Grasse been induced to bear down to their relief.

To confirm the glorious tidings, the flash and roar of guns on the off-side of the stranger announced the welcome tidings that le Pluton had an enemy of her own to contend with, thus enabling the Plantagenet's people to throw all their strength on the starboard guns, and pursue their other necessary work without further molestation from the French rear-admiral.

Rear-Admiral Inglefield was commander-in-chief, with his flag on board the Vernon. The French squadron was commanded by Admiral Laine.

As I live, a packet for yourself, and directed to 'Rear-Admiral Sir Richard Bluewater, K.B. By the Lord, my old boy, they've given you the red riband at last! This is an honour well earned, and which may be fitly worn." "'Tis rather unexpected, I must own. The letter, however, cannot be addressed to me, as I am not a Knight of the Bath." "This is rank nonsense.