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"Stranger still that you may cut a worm into several parts, and the life remains in each, but, strangest of all, that you should sit on the ground, professor, instead of rising up, while you philosophise. You are not hurt, I hope are you?" "I razer zink I am," returned the philosopher with a faint smile; "mine onkle, I zink, is spraint."

Des den, Brer Jesse, he riz up in his seat, sorter keerless like, an' went down inter his britches atter his razer, an' right den I know'd sho' nuff trubble wuz begun. Sis Dilsey, she seed it herse'f, an' she tuck'n let off wunner dem hallyluyah hollers, an' den I disremember w'at come ter pass. "I'm gittin' sorter ole, Brer Rastus, an' it seem like de dus' sorter shet out de pannyrammer.

Wood's masts, which I expect to have a quarrel about with Sir W. Batten before it be ended, but I care not. At night home to my wife, to supper, discourse, prayers, and to bed. This morning I began a practice which I find by the ease I do it with that I shall continue, it saving me money and time; that is, to trimme myself with a razer: which pleases me mightily. 7th.

"Stranger still that you may cut a worm into several parts, and the life remains in each, but, strangest of all, that you should sit on the ground, professor, instead of rising up, while you philosophise. You are not hurt, I hope are you?" "I razer zink I am," returned the philosopher with a faint smile; "mine onkle, I zink, is spraint."

Old Tim Calahan he was a hell of a man. Fatty Melcher he made that up. Frank Hanes aint got enny branes and dont know enuf to go in when it ranes Beany he made that up. Nipper Brown tumbled down and busted his head and cracked his crown. i made that up too. Granvil Miller the barber went to shave his father the razer sliped and cut his lip becaus he forgot the lather.

This morning I began a practice which I find by the ease I do it with that I shall continue, it saving me money and time; that is, to trimme myself with a razer; which pleases me mightily. 8th.

Wood's masts, which I expect to have a quarrel about with Sir W. Batten before it be ended, but I care not. At night home to my wife, to supper, discourse, prayers, and to bed. This morning I began a practice which I find by the ease I do it with that I shall continue, it saving me money and time; that is, to trimme myself with a razer: which pleases me mightily. 7th.

Why dost thou tyrant boast thyself thy wicked deeds to praise Dost thou not know there is a God whose mercies last alwaies? Why doth thy mind yet still deuise such wisked wiles to warp? Thy tongue untrue, in forging lies is like a razer sharp. Thou dost delight in fraude & guilt in mischief bloude and wrong: Thy lips have learned the flattering stile O false deceitful tongue.