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Reçu avec retard le 14 27 Juillet 1914. Je transmets la réponse que le Président du Conseil des Ministres Serbe a remis an ministre Austro-Hongrois

"Dans l'attente de votre reponse je vous prie, Monsieur le Gouverneur, de vouloir bien agreer mes salutations distinguees et mes remerciments anticipees." There is a very interesting letter from the Dixie professor of Ecclesiastical History, Cambridge, who asks Graham to collect for him whelks, limpets, periwinkles, snails, cowries, etc. Here is an extract from it

This is what was new to me and what struck me: the first fragment; the second in which there is a charming and just page on the Empress. How true is what you say of the proletariat! Let us hope that its reign will pass like that of the bourgeois, and for the same causes, as a punishment for the same folly and a similar egoism. The "Reponse a un ami" I knew, as it was addressed to me.

They called each other "Kitty" and "Madeleine," and saw each other frequently; why, Lady Tranmore could never discover, unless on the principle that it is best to keep your enemy under observation. "She telegraphed to Worth as soon as her invitation arrived, 'Envoyez tout de suite costume Vénus. Réponse. The answer came at dinner she had a dinner-party and she read it aloud: 'Remercîments.

"Monsieur," said Gustave Adolphe to the old negro, "le prisonnier refuse de faire réponse, et demande

Malgré le caractère extrêmement conciliant de la réponse serbe

"Monsieur," said Gustave Adolphe to the old negro, "le prisonnier refuse de faire reponse, et demande a manger et a boire." "Va l'en chercher, Gustave Adolphe," replied the old man. "Allons, messieurs," continued he, addressing the other negroes. "Il faut lever l'ancre de suite, et amener notre prisonnier aux autorites; Charles Philippe, va chercher mon porte-voix."