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Looking at her critically, it seemed that everything that should have been a line had turned into a curve, and everything that should have been a curve into a line; she was thick-set, clumsy, awkward in gait, her eyes were small, her mouth was large, she had a meagre wisp of putty-coloured hair, and preposterously thick eyebrows several shades darker in hue, and no eyelashes at all.

David Bond called to the brothers appealingly. "May I put up here?" he asked. "Have you a vacant building that I may share with Shadrach? I have hay and food of my own." Nick Matthews came back. He had a putty-coloured face upon which his blonde eyebrows failed to show; but he summoned a look that was as near to a scowl as possible.

He took refuge in sarcasm, desirous to detect weakness in others, since he was, unwillingly, so disagreeably conscious of it in himself. "Well, we're through with our business, Lady Calmady," he said. "Eh! Mr. March, what's wrong with you? Putty-coloured skin and shortness of breath. A little less prayer and a little more physical exercise is what you want. Successful, Lady Calmady?

That evening, on reaching Paris, I saw Monsieur Cassette, dealer in walking-sticks and umbrellas, and wrote to my friend: "A man unmistakably answering to the description of Monsieur Robert Darzac same height, slightly stooping, putty-coloured overcoat, bowler hat purchased a cane similar to the one in which we are interested, on the evening of the crime, about eight o'clock.

When she had passed the row of elms and the farm, and the small brown brick cottages fenced off with putty-coloured palings, she came to the low ditches and the flat fields on either side and saw on her left the bare, brown brick, pointed end of the tall house. It was called Five Elms.

Later he came to a lane that cut straight through the wood where there were many ruts through the putty-coloured mud puddles; Down the lane in a patch of sunlight he saw a figure, towards which he hurried. It was a young man with red hair and a pink-and-white face. By a gold bar on the collar of his shirt Chrisfield saw that he was a lieutenant.

He was seated, heavily seated with his spread width and folded height, in one of the brown-leather chairs of his library, dressed in a tweed coat, putty-coloured riding breeches, a buff waistcoat, and a grey-blue tie. The handsome, florid face was lifted in a noble pose above the stiff white collar; you could see the full, slightly drooping lower lip under the shaggy black moustache.

A young doctor lounged beside them, putty-coloured under his red plush cap. "Why are all doctors plain in France?" she laughed. "Hush!" He wound his hand round and round like the player of a barrel- organ. "I have to stop you when you say silly things like a phonograph, at so much a metre."

Now that we know it, we will never, never allude to it again, will we, Chris? You can trust us." Mrs. Melrose had sunk back into her chair; her face was putty-coloured, beads of water stood on her forehead. "Oh, the relief the relief!" she kept whispering, as she clung to Alice's hand. "Alice, for the sake of the name dear for all our sakes! "Now, if you two girls will take my advice!"

At the entrance, the General, leading, reined in so sharply as to throw his horse on its haunches his mouth fell open, his mottled face went putty-coloured, and each hair that he possessed appeared to bristle.