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Every such settler also acquired a preemptive right to purchase a thousand acres adjoining, at the regulation State price, which was forty pounds, paper money, or forty dollars in specie, for every hundred acres. One peculiar provision was made necessary by the system of settling in forted villages.

Staggered by this preemptive right, sacred to all miners, Cass stopped. "Who is the coroner?" she asked. "Joe Hornsby." "The tall, lame man, who was half eaten by a grizzly?" "Yes." "Well, look now! I'll ride on and bring him back in half an hour. There!" "But, Miss !" "Oh, don't mind me. I never saw anything of this kind before, and I want to see it all."

Staggered by this preemptive right, sacred to all miners, Cass stopped. "Who is the coroner?" she asked. "Joe Hornsby." "The tall, lame man, who was half eaten by a grizzly?" "Yes." "Well, look now! I'll ride on and bring him back in half an hour. There!" "But, Miss !" "Oh, don't mind ME. I never saw anything of this kind before, and I want to see it ALL."

Though the Indian lands within the state of New York, had now been narrowed down to a comparatively small compass, there were not wanting those who would take from them, the remaining portion of their ancient inheritance. The preemptive right to their reservations was sold by the Holland Land Company, to Colonel Aaron Ogden and others, who were known as the Ogden Company.

The Portuguese Government, in courteously declining the offer, stated that the amount had already been provided. Great Britain, who already held a preemptive title to Delagoa Bay, was also ready to advance the money, but was denied this privilege by Portugal. By August, 1900, it had become evident that the Boer hopes of bringing the war to any sort of favorable conclusion were doomed to failure.

Even so early as November, 1851, he began to anticipate trouble from the preemptive clauses of the Crown Lands Leasing Act of 1847, by which the squatters had a right to purchase land in the neighborhood of the gold-fields.

That's the way it was, Little Man, in maybe the 8th century B.C." She knew that if he were to squeal during the story this behavior would be most inhospitable to the story telling host, and so as a preemptive move she used crazed gestures that would get his attention. By getting his attention she could lure him into a story that had the potential of putting him to sleep.

They and their preemptive strikes, they and their selective targeting with improved smart bombs, were killing and harming thousands of civilians after evoking psychological trauma in this failed shock and awe campaign.

He didn't want tedium that was as long as the sentences of this prose. The only military ventures he envisioned for himself were preemptive and bloody executions of the more vocally intransigent non-believers who would diminish the ubiquitousness of his own god and challenge his animistic thinking of nature as being linked to man by their harping on animal gods.

They postpone investments or over-invest and embark on preemptive buying sprees. As Erica Groshen and Mark Schweitzer have demonstrated in an NBER working paper titled "Identifying inflation's grease and sand effects in the labour market", employers unable to predict tomorrow's wages hire less.