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She thought him, it is true as she said once to a confidential friend a sort of goosey-goosey-gander, but he polked capitally, was a personable fellow and Maria was a spinster. Christmas was coming, and Harry stood high in favour with all the Blackmores.

Ipsden. "Polkez-vous, madame?" Lady Barb. "Si, je polke, Monsieur le Vicomte." They polked for a second or two. "Well, I dare say I am wrong," cried Lady Barbara, "but I like you better now you are a downright ahem! than when you were only an insipid non-intellectual you are greatly improved." Ips. "In what respects?" Lady Barb.

"You'll be at the hop to-night, I hope, Miss Wilder," he observed, introducing a topic suited to a young lady's mental capacity. "Yes, indeed; for dancing is one of the joys of my life, next to husking and making hay"; and Debby polked a few steps along the beach, much to the edification of a pair of old gentlemen, serenely taking their first constitutional. "Making what?" cried Mr.

The vulgar always knew what General danced with the lovely Miss A., and how they looked, and what they said to each other; how many jewels Miss A. wore, and the material her dress was made of; they knew who polked with the accomplished Miss B., and how like a duchess she bore herself; they had the exact name of the colonel who dashed along so like a knight with the graceful and much-admired Mrs.

He became a praiseworthy clerk, and a steady man of business. He went to the ball and polked himself into the good graces of Miss Juliet Trevor.

"She said, No, as short as pie-crust; and when he rushed out with his heart broken all to bits apparently, she just burst out laughing, and went and polked at a two-forty pace for half an hour." Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. unclasped her hands, took a long breath, and cried out,