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'I I do not, Thir, think you're poisoned, he replied indignantly, but with some flurry; 'that is, there's a great deal in it that could not pothibly do you harm there's only one ingredient, yes or, or, yes, perhapth three, but thertainly no more, that I don't quite know about, depend upon it, 'tis nothing a nothing a seriouthly a But why, my dear Thir, why on earth did you violate the thimple directions why did you thwallow a particle of it?

And if he sees one of the girls lookin' sideways at him he'll dodge behind a post. There he was, though, and there was Mildred pilin' in alongside of him. She didn't give any sign of backin' out, and it was too late for me to hedge; so I ups and does the honors. "Mr. Benny," says I, "Miss Morgan." "Oh, I I thay," splutters Benny, makin' a move to bolt, "perhapth I'd better "

So 'tinkle, tinkle, twang, twang, THRUM! went the industrious and accomplished Puddock's guitar; and the voices of the enamoured swains kept tolerable tune and time; and Puddock would say, 'Don't you think, Captain Cluffe, 'twould perhapth go better if we weren't to try that shake upon A. Do let's try the last two barth without it; and 'I'm thorry to trouble you, but jutht wonth more, if you pleathe

And then, with a helpless conviction that her excuses, motives, and emotions were equally and perfectly transparent to both men, she stopped in a tremble. "Perhapth it 'th jutht ath well, then, that the gentleman came thtraight here, and didn't tackle my two friendth when he pathed them," observed Curson, half sarcastically.

And then, with a helpless conviction that her excuses, motives, and emotions were equally and perfectly transparent to both men, she stopped in a tremble. "Perhapth it'th jutht ath well, then, that the gentleman came thraight here, and didn't tackle my two friendth when he pathed them," observed Curson, half sarcastically.

'Whose beaux yeux do you think we have in the dining-room? asked Freda. 'I am thure I cannot gueth; perhapth Thir Hugh Prythe's, Miss Nugent lisped. 'Do you call his beaux yeux? Little ferret eyes like his! No; guess again. 'Young Rithe Rithe? 'Wrong again. 'Not Captain Lewith? 'Some one much nearer home.