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It is in this respect, and not in the erection of model prisons, that the great advance in penology has been made in the last twenty years. Men of scientific attainment are more and more giving their attention to this problem as the most important in our civilization.

"Peremptory sentences ought to be replaced by those of indeterminate length. Sentences limited only by a satisfactory proof of reformation should be substituted for those measured by mere lapse of time." The old system of penology may be described as "so much suffering inflicted for so much wrong done and with the object of expiating that wrong."

They need schools, however, and so everywhere we have established schools for the deaf. Deaf people are just as capable, are just as competent, just as well able to earn an honest living as is the average man who can hear. The "indeterminate sentence" is one of the wisest expedients ever brought to bear in penology. And it is to this generation alone that the honor of first using it must be given.

There have been developed, in order to deal with this problem scientifically, a number of subsidiary sciences, especially Criminology and Penology, which are sciences dealing with the causes, nature, and treatment of crime. We cannot therefore deal with this problem adequately in this chapter, but again must refer the student to the literature on the subject. The Definition of Crime.

BOIES, The Science of Penology. For more extended reading: BARROWS, The Reformatory System in the United States. BARROWS, Children's Courts in the United States. DRAHMS, The Criminal. FERRI, Criminal Sociology. MORRISON, Crime and Its Causes. MORRISON, Our Juvenile Offenders. PARMELEE, Anthropology and Sociology in Relation to Criminal Procedure. TRAVIS, The Young Malefactor.

Moreover, Lombroso's statements, which he makes in very general terms, apply, if they apply at all, not to criminals as a class, but only to instinctive criminals, as indeed he himself has acknowledged. Remedies for Crime. The remedies for crime are dealt with by the subsidiary science of penology, which may be regarded as a branch of scientific philanthropy.

In pedagogy we are teaching more and more by the natural method learning by doing and less and less by means of injunction and precept. In penology we seek to educate and reform, not to suppress, repress and punish. That is to say, the gods are on high Olympus let them stay there. Athens is here. The Grammarian The best way to learn to write is to write.

And in those years the world has experienced, and is now passing through, a peaceful revolution such as men have never before seen. Those years have given us a new science of religion; a new education; a new penology; a new healing art; a new method in commerce. The wisdom of honesty as a business asset is nowhere questioned, and the clergy has ceased to call upon men to prepare for death.

The medieval trade guilds and modern labor unions; the monopolies of Elizabeth's time and the anti-trust law of to-day; George the Third's two hundred capital crimes and modern methods of penology; the jealousy of Athens in guarding the privilege of citizenship and the facility with which immigrants at present become American citizens are only a few illustrations, indicating the ease with which the past and the present may be correlated.

The new penology covers the investigation and study of every circumstance surrounding the criminal as such. No circumstance is so trifling as to be passed by, every detail is carefully studied with the object of discovering what the criminal is and how he came to be such, what are his possibilities, and by what methods those possibilities may be reached.