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But the thin dusky form which stood before him, wrapped in robes of muslin embroidered with gold, was that of Paupiah, known as a master-counsellor of dark projects, an Oriental Machiavel, whose premature wrinkles were the result of many an intrigue, in which the existence of the poor, the happiness of the rich, the honour of men, and the chastity of women, had been sacrificed without scruple, to attain some private or political advantage.

What do you risk by advancing General Smith's army nearer to the frontier?" "We risk a settled peace with Hyder," answered Paupiah, "for which he has made advantageous offers. Yet I say not but thy plan may be most advantageous. Thou sayest Tippoo's treasures are in the fort?" "His treasures and his Zenana; I may even be able to secure his person."

"But the Begum will expect her proportion," replied Paupiah. "Let me alone to deal with her," said Middlemas. "Before the blow is struck, she shall not know of our private treaty, and afterwards her disappointment will be of little consequence. And now, remember my stipulations my rank to be restored my full pardon to be granted." "Ay," replied Paupiah, cautiously, "should you succeed.

He resolved, at the same time, to abstain from seeing her till the moment he could afford her protection, justly considering the danger which his whole plan might incur, if he again awakened the jealousy of the Begum. My friend Mr. Fairscribe is of opinion, that there is an anachronism in the introduction of Paupiah, the Bramin Dubash of the English governor.

Save me if you can if you have not pity, or cannot give me aid, there is none left upon earth. The haste with which Dr. Hartley sped to the Fort, and demanded an audience of the Governor, was defeated by the delays interposed by Paupiah.

Hartley let his indignation betray him into reproaches against Paupiah, in which his principal was not spared.

He did not even enquire by what means the renegade Briton proposed to acquire that influence with Tippoo which might enable him to betray him he only desired to be assured that the fact was real. "You speak at the risk of your head, if you deceive Paupiah, or make Paupiah the means of deceiving his master.

The Governor cannot for very shame refuse me letters of credence." "Never think of asking them," said his more experienced friend; "it would cost Paupiah little to have them so worded as to induce Hyder to rid our sable Dubash, at once and for ever, of the sturdy free-spoken Dr. Adam Hartley.

Esdale listened with that sort of anxiety which prudent men betray when they feel themselves like to be drawn into trouble by the discourse of an imprudent friend. "If you desire to be personally righted in this matter," said he at length, "you must apply to Leadenhall Street, where I suspect betwixt ourselves complaints are accumulating fast, both against Paupiah and his master."

Thus parted this worthy pair; Paupiah to report to his principal the progress of these dark machinations, Middlemas to join the Begum, on her return to the Mysore.