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A time will come when the star has risen so high that it can rise no higher, and perchance learns to know that before long it must begin its inevitable descent!... All Halil Patrona's wildest dreams had been realised. There he stood at the very apex of sovereignty, whence the course of empires, the destiny of worlds can be controlled.

And with that he pointed at his own head, which he flung back defiantly as if daring his opponent to strike at it. But Halil Patrona's courage was quite equal even to such an invitation as that, and he brought down the leaded stick in his hand so heavily on the Janissary's head that the fellow's face was soon streaming with blood.

First of all they must be hoodwinked and pacified, only after that would it be possible to proceed to extreme measures against them. All that the Grand Vizier could do, therefore, was frankly to present all Halil Patrona's demands to the Sultan. Mahmud granted everything on the spot.

In some cases, for instance, the roofs were continuous; in others the cellars communicated, so that if ever anyone of the inhabitants were suddenly pursued, he could, with the assistance of the roofs, passages, and cellars, vanish without leaving a trace behind him. Halil Patrona's house was of wood like the rest.

So for Halil Patrona's palace they set off with Gül-Bejáze on their shoulders, she all the time vainly imploring them to put her down that she might hide away among the crowd and disappear, for she feared, she trembled at, the honour they did her.

At this all the Janissaries arose, and one of them stepping forward said: "Halil is right. We agree with all that he has said." The Grand Vizier did not know whether he was standing on his head or his heels. Kaplan Giraj wrathfully thrust his sword back again into its scabbard. All the Janissary officers evidently were on Halil Patrona's side.

And having uttered these words, Achmed withdrew from the window whither the noise of the crowd had enticed him, and the multitude clamoured as before; but now they no longer tried to force the suite of the Sultana to make way before Gül-Bejáze, but escorted Halil Patrona's wife back to the dwelling-place of her husband. Adsalis, desperate with rage and shame, returned to the Seraglio.

On the third day after that the people of the city in their walks abroad saw eight-and-thirty severed heads stuck on the ends of spears over the central gate of the Seraglio. All these heads, with their starting eyes and widely parted lips, seemed to be speaking to the amazed multitudes; only Halil Patrona's eyes were closed and his lips sealed.

I have it," he said, and sitting down on the floor at his ease, he took the list from his bosom and extending it on the floor, began reciting Halil Patrona's nominations seriatim. The Grand Vizier approved of the whole thing, he had no objection to make to anything. Musli left Janaki's elevation last of all: "He you must make Voivode of Moldavia," said he. Suddenly Kabakulak went quite deaf.