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Already she felt at a disadvantage, and hesitated. "I mean about the old man who died so suddenly your old . . . retainer." Caswall's face relaxed something of its puzzled concentration. "Oh, he was only a servant; and he had over-stayed his three-score and ten years by something like twenty years. He must have been ninety!" "Still, as an old servant . . . "

Nevertheless, perhaps because it was, after all, the line of least resistance, because there regular meals awaited us, and a secure place of sleep, by twos and threes we drifted back, down the long, hot, dusty road, to where the South Sea King lay waiting for us ... the mate, the captain, and the cattle-boss furious at us for our over-stayed shore-leave....

You have brought a certain animation to the uneventfulness of our life here." Stuart changed his manner with an effort. "Thank you," he replied. "But I've already over-stayed the time I had allowed myself for a vacation. There are many neglected things to be taken up and finished." "You hadn't spoken of leaving us before."

Thus occupied, the time stole on insensibly, and he was not aware that he had over-stayed the limits allowed him, till he was aroused by the voice of the officer, who came to summon him back to his prison. "You will be removed to your old lodging, in the Round Tower, to-morrow night, my lord," said the officer.

I was kindly and graciously received in the house of the old doctor, and a room was allotted to me, which overlooked the garden and the country beyond. Almost all the other rooms were untenanted, and the long table d'hôte was deserted. At meal times a few invalids from Chambéry and Turin, who had over-stayed the season, assembled with the family.

As if by previous appointment, one by one we drifted together, we cattlemen of the South Sea King we drifted together and found each other in the fine park near the Queensland House of Parliament. We had, all of us, already over-stayed our shore-leave by many hours. We grouped together in informal consultation as to what should be done should we go back to the ship or not?

He had already long over-stayed his visit; important affairs connected with his work demanded his attention, he had the comfort of Carroll's love assured; and the lapse of time alone could be depended on to change Mrs. Bishop's attitude, a consummation on which Carroll seemed set.

It was almost dark, but not quite, as the long summer evening stayed and over-stayed, to the benefit of the belated sailors. "There's Leonore and Ben," sang out Grace, as they caught sight of the blue car waiting at the landing. "Also Gerald and yes, it's Isabel," called Helen, for from her family car a girl in Isabel's green sweater was waving merrily to the incoming craft.