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The ex-jockey, a bit of a man with a withered left arm made that way from an injury received in his last race, when his mount fell on him; The Irish cattle-boss gave him the job of night-watchman, "to break him of his superstitious silliness"; There was the big, black Jamaica cook ... as black as if he was polished ebony ... a fine, big, polite chap, whom everyone liked.

Nevertheless, perhaps because it was, after all, the line of least resistance, because there regular meals awaited us, and a secure place of sleep, by twos and threes we drifted back, down the long, hot, dusty road, to where the South Sea King lay waiting for us ... the mate, the captain, and the cattle-boss furious at us for our over-stayed shore-leave....

The cattle had been there these many hours, bellowing and moving restlessly in their land-pens, the hot sun blazing down upon them. Our cattle-boss, it seems, knew all about the handling of his animals on land. But not on sea. When, the following morning, we started early, trying to drive the cattle on board ship, they refused to walk up the runway.

On the upper deck, exposed to all the weather, were housed the more tractable sheep, who had, without objection, bleated their way aboard docilely up the runway behind their black ram ... that the cattle-boss had to help on a bit, by pulling him the few first yards by his curly horns. As we swam by in the fading day, a pale ghost of a moon was already up.