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Then life seemed to have ebbed from him entirely. A clay-like pallor over-spread his face, he had the lips and open, glassy eyes of a corpse, and he scarcely breathed. Then they sent post-haste for the doctor, who sprinkled him with camphor, gave him oxygen and produced artificial respiration. The old man slowly came to, rolling his eyes.

If we had not gone astray by this time, we presently emerged on Dogtown Common, an elevated table-land, over-spread with great boulders as with houses, and encircled with a girdle of green woods and an outer girdle of blue sea.

It took some seconds of Ford's slow thinking to puzzle out the meaning of this. Even then he might have pondered in vain had it not been for the flush that gradually over-spread her features, and brought what he called the wild glint into her eyes. When he understood, he reddened in his own turn, making matters worse. "I beg your pardon," he stammered. "I never thought "

He repeated again his order to go forward, and was struck on the nose not a hard blow; just a preliminary tap, which started blood. He immediately drew his pistol and shot the man, who fell with a groan. An expression of shock and horror over-spread every face among the crew, and they surged back, away from that murderous pistol.

That in years gone by how long gone by I cannot tell, but I think some centuries before the city had over-spread this quarter, and when it was tilled ground and avenue, and such deep and leafy seclusion as ought to embosom a religious house-that something had happened on this site which, rousing fear and inflicting horror, had left to the place the inheritance of a ghost-story.

"Yes, sir, I have often breakfasted on a page of Tacitus and supped on a satire of Juvenal." As he said the words, a look of sadness over-spread his shining red face, and dropping his voice: "Forgive me, sir, if I hold out to you the casque of Belisarius. I am the Marquis Tudesco, of Venice.

From every seed of evil in this boy a field of ruin is grown that shall be gathered in, and garnered up, and sown again in many places in the world, until regions are over-spread with wickedness enough to raise the waters of another deluge. Open and unpunished murder in a city's streets would be less guilty in its daily toleration than one such spectacle as this.