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Smith and Schuster found that ovariotomy, with or without subsequent implantation of testes or injection of testis extract, had no effect in causing the thumb of the female to assume any male characters.

Polaillon speaks of a double ovariotomy on a woman pregnant at three months, with the subsequent birth of a living child at term. Gordon reports five successful ovariotomies during pregnancy, in Lebedeff's clinic. Of these cases, 1 aborted on the fifth day, 2 on the fifteenth, and the other 2 continued uninterrupted.

Give different methods of removing the horns. Give the causes and treatment of choking. What is the purpose of castration and ovariotomy? At what age is it best to practise castration and ovariotomy? In what way should an animal be prepared for castration? Give a description of the method of castration in the different animals. What special care should be given following castration?

The operation of ovariotomy, first performed by Ephraim McDowell, of Kentucky, can hardly be classed with the happy accidents; but so little had been said about it or thought concerning it that when the news of it reached Europe "from the wilds of America" the editor of a ponderous English quarterly journal of medicine recorded his incredulity in the words "Credat Judoeus, non ego" An ovarian tumor inevitably proves fatal in the long run if it is not removed.

A remarkable case of infant vitality is given on page 117. Operations in the Young and Old. It might be of interest to mention that such a major operation as ovariotomy has been successfully performed in an infant. In a paper on infant ovariotomy, several instances of this nature are mentioned.

Before leaving this subject, we mention a marvelous operation performed by Billroth on a married woman of twenty-nine, after her sixth pregnancy. This noted operator performed, synchronously, double ovariotomy and resections of portions of the bladder and ileum, for a large medullary carcinomatous growth of the ovary, with surrounding involvement.

Pregnancy going to term with a successful delivery frequently follows the performance of ovariotomy with astonishing rapidity. Olier cites an instance of ovariotomy with a pregnancy of twins three months afterward, and accouchement at term of two well-developed boys. Polaillon speaks of a pregnancy consecutive to ovariotomy, the accouchement being normal at term.

The menses had never appeared, and there seemed to be no sexual desire. Micklucho-Maclay found that one of the most primitive of all existing races the New Hollanders practiced ovariotomy for the utilitarian purpose of creating a supply of prostitutes, without the danger of burdening the population by unnecessary increase.

One of these women, a secundipara, had gone two weeks over time, and had a large ovarian cyst, the pedicle of which had become twisted, the fluid in the cyst being sanguineous. May describes an ovariotomy performed during pregnancy at Tottenham Hospital.

Dewees records a successful case of ovariotomy in a woman over sixty-seven; McNutt reports a successful instance in a patient of sixty-seven years and six months; the tumor weighed 60 pounds, and there were extensive adhesions. Maury removed a monocystic ovarian tumor from a woman of seventy-four, his patient recovering. Pippingskold mentions an ovariotomy at eighty.