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CLAIRE: I want to get away from them! HARRY: Rest easy, little one you do. CLAIRE: I'm not so sure that I do. But it can be done! We need not be held in forms moulded for us. There is outness and otherness. HARRY: Now, Claire I didn't mean to start anything serious. CLAIRE: No; you never mean to do that. I want to break it up! I tell you, I want to break it up!

For the moment it means, "To act under the influence of subliminalization; To perplex, or bemuse, or estrange with OTHERNESS." Do tell us, Lawford, more about the little old lady. He passed with her plate a little meaningful glance at his sister, and repeated, 'Do! 'But I've been plaguing your sister enough already.

God is related to the world as unity, identity, complicatio, to otherness, diversity, explicatio, as necessity to contingency, as completed actuality to mere possibility; yet, in such a way that the otherness participates in the unity, and receives its reality from this, and the unity does not have the otherness confronting it, outside it.

Thus deepening and incarnating bringing in, giving body to, and in some sense exhibiting by means of our own growing and changing experience that transcendent Otherness, the fact of the Life of the Spirit in the here-and-now.

He fully satisfies in his own person the demands of Baron von Hügel's definition: both contact with and renunciation of the Particular and Fleeting, seeking and finding of the Eternal, incarnating within his own experience that transcendent Otherness.

At the same time this "otherness" of God, while it is the condition, is not necessarily the guarantee, of our freedom. Determinism is quite compatible, in theory, and has been so found in history, with belief in the Divine transcendence; but it is scarcely compatible with belief in the Divine goodness.

And then he would allude to his study of music in the Conservatory in Leipsic. To plain country people in an out-of-the-way Western neighborhood, in 1843, such a man was better than a lyceum full of lectures. He brought them the odor of foreign travel, the flavor of city, the "otherness" that everybody craves. He staid to dinner, as I have said, and to supper. He staid over night.

Venice, so far from abandoning the faith of the Nazarene, as Ruskin fancied, barred of her commerce, seeing her power pass to Portugal, did yet, solitary and unaided, face the Ottoman, and for two generations made the Crusades live again. It is another Venice, yet religion is not the cause of that otherness.

Our task is to assert, first, then, the "otherness" of man, his difference from Nature, to point out the illusoriness of her phenomena for him, the derived reality and secondary value of her facts. These are things that need religious elucidation.

Millard took life less seriously than she did, but perhaps that very otherness was agreeable: when one is prone by nature to travel dusty paths and dutifully to wound one's feet on mountainous rocky roads, a companion who habitually beckons to green sward and shady seats, who makes life put on a little more of the air of a picnic excursion into the world, is a source of refreshment.