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"Cheerfully! Ask your questions slowly." "Onderstan' further," chattered the Spaniard, "regardless of the 'appenings to me, it shall never come to pass. Soch disgraceful occurrence shall never transpire; of that be assure', even if it exac' the las' drops of blood in the veins of me. I 'ave despised you, senor, an' so I 'ave neglec' to keel you, being busy with important affairs of government.

Ramon had evidently waited purposely for him, and now began to voice some unintelligible protest in the greatest excitement. "You'll have to play it all over again," Kirk advised him. "I'm only just learning to conjugate the verb 'amar. What seems to be the trouble this time?" "Ha! For the moment I forgot your ignorance, but onderstan' this, detestable person, it is time you shall answer to me."

I came for change, for variety, for amusement, for relaxation, for sport. Do you understand any of these expressions?" "Me not onderstan' moch," answered Mafuta with great simplicity of manner; "bot why you want for change? Me nivir wants no change?" "Ah, Mafuta," replied Tom with a smile, "you're a happy man?

"Good Lord boys! it 's an army they 're organizin' over yonder. Blame me if I onderstan' that sorter scheme at all. It don't look nat'ral. I never thought Farnham was no coward when ther time come fer fightin', but this kind o' fixin' shore looks as if we had him skeered stiff. Wal, it 'll take more 'n a bunch o' San Juan toughs to skeer me.