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I always think of you Olders and Wisers as coming out of your stuffy nineteenth century into our nice new age with a sigh of relief." "Oh no," said Mr. Russell. "You must remember that when we were born into it, it became our nice new age, and therefore to us there is no age like it." "It seems incredible," said Jay.

And the young master's table was laid in the conservatory and the olders sat in the dining-room and Held come from New York the best caterer, missy " Robin and Beryl listened with breathless interest Robin with a moment's vision of that handsome lad laughing and talking with the "young lydies from New York."

I should despise myself if I did; but I would be a blind fool not to see that that oh, I cannot explain. You know there are Jap Bertram, Dick Olders, Tom Printz, and, above all, Tom Bays, who are her close friends and constant visitors and and, you know you understand my doubts. I do not trust her. I may be wrong, but I suppose I should wish to err on the right side.

Fortunately, Ben was a short boy and a clever one, so he did not look out of place among the ten and eleven year olders, and fell upon his lessons with the same resolution with which he used to take a new leap, or practise patiently till he could touch his heels with his head.

Well, he'd show him something if he had the face to stand up to his betters and olders and biggers in the ring.... News of the affair spread like wild-fire, and the incredible conduct of the extraordinary Funky Warren said to be no longer Funky became the topic of the hour.

Geordie and Will came together, two sturdy eleven and twelve year olders, and, fixing their round blue eyes on Rose, fired off a question apiece, as if it was a shooting match and she the target. "Did you bring your monkey?" "No; he is dead." "Are you going to have a boat?" "I hope not."