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"Isn't it all beautiful!" Tillie breathed ecstatically. "I've got my certificate and the teacher won't be put out! What did Adam Oberholzer and Joseph Kettering say, Doc?" "I've got them fixed all right! Just you wait, Tillie!" he said mysteriously. "Mebbe us we ain't goin' to have the laugh on your pop and old Nathaniel Puntz! You'll see!

So after while I'll say that if they wote ag'in' Jake and Nathaniel, and each of 'em gets one of the other two directers to wote with him to leave Teacher keep his job, I'll throw 'em the doctor's bill off! Adam Oberholzer he owes me about twelve dollars, and Joseph Kettering he owes me ten. I guess it ain't worth twelve dollars to Adam and ten to Joseph to run Teacher off William Penn!"

"That's all right. Fur one, there's Adam Oberholzer; he 'll be an easy guy when it comes to his wote. Fur if I want, I can bring a bill ag'in' the estate of his pop, disceased, and make it 'most anything. His pop he died last month.

"Well," spoke Adam Oberholzer, as the doctor reluctantly went out, "it ain't ten mile from here she was raised." "Is she a gradyate? We hadn't ought to take none but a Normal. We had enough trouble!" "No, she ain't a Normal, but she's got her certificate off the superintendent." "Has any of yous saw her?"

It is a great satisfaction to know that while the small child is in the library, he is not only safe from the evil influences of the street but is deriving a double benefit the enjoyment of the book that absorbs him for the time being, and the habit of reading that is unconsciously being formed. Mr. R. Oberholzer, Sioux City, Iowa.

Then Reverend, he seen that wouldn't work, so he cut it short, and he says wery loud, 'Trust the Lord! Now, ole Adam Oberholzer in his business dealin's and speculatin' was always darned particular who he trusted, still, so he looked up at Reverend, and he says, 'Is he a reliable party? Well, by gum, I bu'st right out laughin'! I hadn't ought to seein' it was Adam's death-bed and Reverend him just sweatin' with tryin' to work in his job to get him conwerted till he passed away a'ready.

"Won't she be here to-night to leave us see her oncet?" "She won't, but her pop will," answered Nathaniel Puntz; and Mr. Getz vaguely realized in the expressions about him that something unusual was in the air. "What do we want with her pop?" he asked. "We want his wote!" answered Adam Oberholzer which sally brought forth hilarious laughter.