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The little annual sum settled on her by her stepfather would keep body and soul together. A wonderful skill in netting of all sorts acquired in childhood by making seines in Newson's home might serve her in good stead; and her studies, which were pursued unremittingly, might serve her in still better.

But that he would have been prompt to go, at a word from me, and was actually about to go when I entered his house, I could not question. He drove in manifest relief of mind to Dettermain and Newson's. I had an appointment with Mr. Temple at a great political Club, to meet the gentlemen who were good enough to undertake the introduction of the infant member to the House of Commons.

Newson's back was soon visible up the road, crossing Bull-stake. Henchard followed, and saw his visitor stop at the King's Arms, where the morning coach which had brought him waited half-an-hour for another coach which crossed there. The coach Newson had come by was now about to move again. Newson mounted, his luggage was put in, and in a few minutes the vehicle disappeared with him.

Sneering at himself for his weakness he yet every hour nay, every few minutes conjectured her actions for the time being her sitting down and rising up, her goings and comings, till thought of Newson's and Farfrae's counter-influence would pass like a cold blast over a pool, and efface her image. And then he would say to himself, "O you fool! All this about a daughter who is no daughter of thine!"

Applying his telescope to his eye Henchard expected that Farfrae's features would be disclosed as usual. But the lenses revealed that today the man was not Elizabeth-Jane's lover. It was one clothed as a merchant captain, and as he turned in the scrutiny of the road he revealed his face. Henchard lived a lifetime the moment he saw it. The face was Newson's.

But that he would have been prompt to go, at a word from me, and was actually about to go when I entered his house, I could not question. He drove in manifest relief of mind to Dettermain and Newson's. I had an appointment with Mr. Temple at a great political Club, to meet the gentlemen who were good enough to undertake the introduction of the infant member to the House of Commons.

Early in the morning, I found him pacing through the open doors of the dining-room and the library dictating to a secretary at a desk, now and then tossing a word to Dettermain and Newson's chief clerk. The floor was strewn with journals. He wore Hessian boots; a voluminous black cloak hung loosely from his shoulders.

"Thomas Newson's, "Pilot, "Felixtow Ferry, "Ipswich. "Yours truly, "EDWARD FITZGERALD." At this time Posh was earning his living as the proprietor of a longshore "punt," or beach lugger. Shrimps and soles fell victims to the longshoremen's trawls, and altogether there were a hundred fish to be caught to one in these days.

About this time FitzGerald must have written the following fragment, in which he refers to Newson's loan: "You must pay him his Interest on it when you can, and then I will take the Debt from him, adding it to the 50 pounds I lent you, and letting all that stand over for another time.

Newson's shadow passed the window. He was gone. Then Henchard, scarcely believing the evidence of his senses, rose from his seat amazed at what he had done. It had been the impulse of a moment.