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The other principal authorities are the correspondence of Montcalm with Bourlamaque and with his own family; the letters of Vaudreuil preserved in the Archives Nationales; and the letters of Bougainville and Doreil to Montcalm and Madame de Saint-Véran while on their mission to France. For copies of these last I am indebted to the present Marquis de Montcalm. Wolfe

Lafont, 1996 states on page 755 that according to Louis Marie Prudhomme there were 31 000 victims at Lyons. Archives Nationales, AF. II., 44. The representatives on mission wanted to do the same thing with Marseilles. The National Convention shall be requested to give it another name. Meanwhile it shall remain nameless and be thus known."

Being swept along in a smoothly running car is certainly preferable to jolting one's way over the uneven paving on a bicycle, but it is only in the largest towns that one has such a choice. Although the only road that is depicted in this book is as straight as any built by the Romans and is bordered by poplars, it is only one type of the great routes nationales that connect the larger towns.

This measure is excellent and ensures the triumph of sans-culotteism." Archives Nationales, F.7, 4434. Moniteur, XXII., 133. All were subject to its laws, and three or four men in it made them. This club and the municipality were one body." Moniteur, XXII. 425. Archives Nationales, AF.,II., 111.

Archives Nationales F7, 4421. Register of the Revolutionary committee of Troyes, fol. 164. Two members of the committee travel to the commune of Lusigny, dismiss the mayor and justice, and appoint in the place of the latter "the former cure of the country, who, some time ago, abjured sacerdotal fanaticism." Archives des Affaires etrangeres, vol.332. Vol. 330.

No women went out-doors without a basket, while every man wore a jacket, without which they were taken for aristocrats." Letters of Freron to Moise Bayle, Brumaire 23, Pluviose 5 and 11, Novose 16, II, published by Moise Bayle, also details furnished by Huard, pp. 350-365. Archives Nationales, AF. II., 144.

All the galeriens of all the convict prisons in Europe seem to have come and set the fashion in this superb city which had given it to all Europe." "Un Sejour en France," p. 43. I, myself, have been almost knocked down for wearing a straw hat trimmed with green ribbons." Nolhac, "Souvenirs de Trois Annees de la Revolution at Lyons," p.132. Archives Nationales, AF.,II., 72.

"Public help is a sacred obligation; society owes a subsistence to unfortunate citizens, whether by providing work for them, or by ensuring the means of existence to those who are not in a condition to work." Archives Nationales, AF. II., 39.

The following shows some of the municipal expenditures. Fraternal subscriptions, 400,000 francs. Forced loan, 2,400,000 francs. Amount arising from grain granted by the government, but not paid for, 400,000 francs." Archives Nationales, AF., II., 72.

There, misfortune was treated as if it were a bad child to be laughed at, and, in fact, they did openly make sport of Marat's divinity, Robespierre's sacerdoce and the magistracy of Fouquier. They seemed to say to all these bloody menials: 'You may slaughter us when you please, but you cannot hinder us in being aimable'"-Archives Nationales, F.7, 31167.