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Theists of every class would do well to calmly and fully consider this rule of philosophising, for it involves nothing less than the destruction of belief in the supernatural. The Jupiter of Mythologic History, the Allah of Alkoran, and the Jehovah of 'Holy Scripture, if entities at all, are assuredly entities that baffle human conception.

This occurs when ideas, symbolic or otherwise, come to be associated with the purely geometric figures, tending to arrest or modify their development, or, again, it occurs when the artist seeks to substitute mythologic subjects for the geometric units. This period cannot be always well defined, as the first steps in this direction are so thoroughly subordinated to the textile forces.

'A scholarlike knowledge of Maori or Hottentot mythology' was also beyond him. From them we flatter ourselves that we get as from Grimm, Mannhardt, Islay, and the rest mythology in situ. We compare it with the dry mythologic blossoms of the classical hortus siccus, and with Greek ritual and temple legend, and with Marchen in the scholiasts, and we think the comparisons very illuminating.

'Just consider, too, what a scope for mythologic learning a pantomime affords. Why not have a triumph of some deity? Could I commit myself more boldly to the service of the gods! Now who shall it be? 'Pallas unless, as I suppose, she is too modest and too sober for your Alexandrians? 'Yes it does not seem to me that she would be appreciated at all events for the present. Why not try Aphrodite?

There is nothing more drear, monstrous, wild, dark, and lonely in the descriptions of the mythologic than of the scientific page.

Since that feat an almost mythologic awe had attached itself to her locally. She waited, small and thin, hawk-eyed, imperious, and tempered like steel. The ring of tempered steel, too, was in her voice when, at the proper moment, she raised it. "What are you doing?" The clamor of the mob died down.

I found there two faiths; the one Sin-Siu, which I turned my back upon as mythologic, without the poetry of the Greek and Roman; the other well, a life given to the laws of Buddha were well spent.

The fresco on my bedroom ceiling is made mysteriously attractive by a wilderness of mythologic animals and a crowd of cherubic heads, wings and legs, on a background of clouds; the mystery being that the number of cherubic heads does not correspond with the number of extremities, one or two cherubs being a wing or a leg short.

Beyond this loveliness are flower-plots surrounding tiny shrines; and marvellous grotto-work, full of monsters dragons and mythologic beings chiselled in the rock; and miniature landscape work with tiny groves of dwarf trees, and Lilliputian lakes, and microscopic brooks and bridges and cascades. Here, also, are swings for children.

Because, in its lack of natural science, and its revulsion from the mythologic deities, it isolated man in the universe, claiming for the individual will a sovereignty which ignored the ensphering play of natural forces, and denying to the heart any outreach beyond the earthly and finite.