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"He's a clown or a hacrobat, or somethink of that sort, in one of the theatres or music-'alls. He's bin burnt out o' his 'ome last night, an's a-sellin' off all he's been able to save, by hauction."

When she flung 'em on the pavement he pretended to think she 'ad dropped 'em; but, do wot he would, 'e couldn't frighten 'er into staying away, and 'is share of music-'alls and bus rides and things like that was more than 'e cared to think of. All the time Ted was as happy as a sand-boy, and one evening when Emma asked 'im to go 'ome to supper 'e was so pleased 'e could 'ardly speak.

"Ah! a meetin'-'ouse'?" said the Slogger, with a slight smile of contempt. "Music-'alls and publics is meetin'-'ouses, ain't they?" "Ah, but they ain't prayer-meetin' 'ouses," rejoined the Slogger. "Not so sure o' that Villum. There's a deal o' prayer in such places sometimes, an' it's well for the wisitors that their prayers ain't always answered.

Of no German soldier could it be written: "I went into a theatre as sober as could be, They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me; They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls, But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls." On the contrary, every effort is made to keep the army pleased with itself and proud of itself.

When she flung 'em on the pavement he pretended to think she 'ad dropped 'em; but, do wot he would, 'e couldn't frighten 'er into staying away, and 'is share of music-'alls and bus rides and things like that was more than 'e cared to think of. All the time Ted was as happy as a sand-boy, and one evening when Emma asked 'im to go 'ome to supper 'e was so pleased 'e could 'ardly speak.

"They're going to amuse theirselves, I expect," ses Sam "music-'alls and such-like." Mr. Goodman shook his 'ead at 'em. "Music-'alls ain't so bad as some people try to make out," ses Sam. "Look 'ere; I took some drink to see what the flavor was like; suppose you go to a music-'all to see wot that's like?" "It seems on'y fair," ses Peter's uncle, considering.

"I used to," said Leander; "I never touch alcoholic stimulants now, myself." "Wish I didn't. I say, Tweddle, have you been to the Cosmopolitan lately?" "I don't go to music-'alls now," said Leander; "I've give up all that now I'm keeping company."

"They're going to amuse theirselves, I expect," ses Sam "music-'alls and such-like." Mr. Goodman shook his 'ead at 'em. "Music-'alls ain't so bad as some people try to make out," ses Sam. "Look 'ere; I took some drink to see what the flavor was like; suppose you go to a music-'all to see wot that's like?" "It seems on'y fair," ses Peter's uncle, considering.