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"I would rather put up with your own efforts, however clumsy. Love-making at first hand is dull enough. At second hand it would be unendurable." He leaned towards her. "Is that a challenge?" She shrugged her shoulders, all ablaze with jewels. "Why not? It might amuse me." Somewhat irrelevantly he glanced at the next few boxes where the rest of Mrs. Montressor's guests were.

"I knew of course that you were at the Montressor's, but I had no idea that it was a music hall party afterwards. Are you all here?" "Five boxes full," she answered. "Some of them seem to be having an awfully good time too. Did you see Lord Delafield and Miss Anderson? They packed me in with Colonel Anson and Mrs.

Yet I instantly bethought myself of a lean black snake, with a glittering and evil eye, which I had seen in Mrs. Montressor's garden two summers agone, and which was like to have bitten me. John, the gardener, had killed it, and I verily thought that if it had a soul, it must have gotten into this man.

Montressor's sitting-room then, where she wrote her letters and examined household accounts, and sometimes had an old gossip in to tea. The room was low-ceilinged and dim, hung with red damask, and with odd, square windows high up under the eaves and a dark wainscoting all around it.

"I am bored," she said abruptly. "This is a very foolish sort of entertainment. And, as usual," she continued, a little bitterly, "I seem to have been sent along with the dullest and least edifying of Mrs. Montressor's guests." Ennison glanced at the other people in the box and smiled. "I got your note just in time," he remarked.

Faces were flushed and voices grew a little thick. Da Souza's arm unchidden sought once more the back of his neighbour's chair, Miss Montressor's eyes did their utmost to win a tender glance from their lavish host. Suddenly Trent rose to his feet. He held a glass high over his head. His face was curiously unmoved, but his lips were parted in an enigmatic smile. "A toast, my friends!" he cried.