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Right here on the table. How many of the later raiders did you catch?" "All of them," said the Commissioner. "Around forty. We got them dead, we got them alive. It didn't make much difference. They were hired hands. Very expensive hired hands, but still just that. Most of them didn't know a thing we could use. The ones that did know something were mind-blocked again."

He nodded. "Probably." "She seems to know quite a bit about what's been going on...." "Very likely she does." "Let's grab her!" said Trigger. "We can do it quietly. And she's too big to be mind-blocked. We'd get part of the answer. Perhaps all of it!" Something flared briefly in the Commissioner's small gray eyes. He reached over and patted her knee.

It really will be quite simple. But now let me tell you why I so very much wanted to see you today. We had a guest here last night. A gentleman whom you've met Balmordan. He was mind-blocked on some quite important subjects, and so though the doctor and I were very patient and careful he died in the end. But before he died, he had told me as much as I really needed to know from him.

One, he'd been mind-blocked and couldn't have spilled any significant information even if they had got him alive. The other item they drew from his brain was a clear impression of the target of the raid the professor's pal here." "Uh-huh," Trigger said, lost in thought. She poked Repulsive lightly. "That would be Fayle and his associates then. Or somebody who knew about them.

Trigger moistened her lips, "I was thinking, you know," she said. "Supposing I'm mind-blocked." He shook his head. "I can tell you that, anyway," he said. "We already know you're not." Trigger was silent a moment. Then she said, "After that interview's over, I'm to ship out to Manon is that it?" "That's right." "But it would depend on the outcome of that interview too, wouldn't it?"

"What were they?" "They had an Evalee record which told us more than the brains did. They were high-priced boys. Their brains told us they'd allowed themselves to be mind-blocked on this particular job. High-priced boys won't do that unless they can set their standard price very much higher. It didn't look at all any more as if they'd come to your door by accident." "No," she admitted.