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The little happy song stopped short. John Wesley Pringle, at the mesa's last headland, drew rein to adjust his geography. This was new country to him. Close behind, Organ Mountain flung up a fantasy of spires, needle-sharp and bare and golden.

A hasty breakfast over, my brother asked for mounts for himself and men; and as we were corralling our remuda, one of the three lads on herd signaled to us from the mesa's summit. Catching the nearest horses at hand, and taking our wrangler with us, we cantered up the slope to our waiting sentinel.

'Indeed, said the Vicar, who had in his pocket a very favourable review of MESA's new historical essay. 'Surely an old-fashioned squire and Lady Bountiful and their very narrow daughters should not be allowed to prevent improvement, pauperise the place, and keep it in its old grooves. 'Well, we shall see what you think by the time you have lived here long enough to be eligible for what?

The sand expanse drank it up and the lower ditches were not benefited. There was no more trouble over water rights. Indeed, this is the only recorded approach to a clash known between the Mormon settlers and their neighbors. Mesa's Civic Administration

"I did not seek this honour," she murmured in the silence that followed, "and I refuse it. The throne of the goddess is Mesa's right; let her take it, or if she will not, then find some other woman who is more worthy."

He had expectations of meeting a young woman who often passed about that time on her way home from school duties. It was, however, another young woman whose bow he met in front of Mesa's largest department store. "Good afternoon, Miss Balfour." She nodded greeting and cast eyes of derision on him. "I've been hearing about you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" "Yes, ma'am. What for in particular?

With quick intelligence the stallion noted that this arroyo wound about until its mouth gave upon the side of the mesa not a hundred yards from where he stood. Promptly did Black Eagle act. Calling his band he led it at a sharp pace to a sheltered hollow on the mesa's back slope. There he left it and hurried away to take up his former position.

Sand whirls crossed the distant levels, ceaselessly. Huge and menacing, they swirled out from the mesa's edge, crossed the desert triumphantly, then, at contact with rock or cholla thicket, collapsed and disappeared. Endless, merciless, hopeless the yellow desert quivered against the bronze blue sky. For the first time dazed hopelessness gave way in Rhoda to fear.

As I turned to make for the mesa's rim the sounds of battle came plainly to my ears the hoarse shouts of men mingled with the half-beastly roars and growls of the brute-folk. Did I take advantage of my opportunity? I did not. Instead, lured by the din of strife and by the desire to deliver a stroke, however feeble, against hated Hooja, I wheeled and ran directly toward the village.