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He owned an island near the river mouth, where the young mermaids held their picnics and parties and received the visits of young merrymen. Her mother and two aunts were merwomen. All of these were sober folks and attended to the business which occupies all well brought up mermaids and merrymen. This was to keep their pool clean and nice.

But she wept before I did: her tears drew mine; and I said, * The merit belongs to the precedent." The King thanked him with heartiest thanks and the Merman and Merwomen abode with him forty days' space, at the end of which Salih arose and kissed the ground before his brother in law, who asked What wantest thou, O Salih?"

When the flayed animals had regained their sensibility, they assumed their proper form of mermen or merwomen, and began to lament in a mournful lay, wildly accompanied by the storm that was raging around, the loss of their sea-dress, which would prevent them from again enjoying their native azure atmosphere, and coral mansions that lay below the deep waters of the Atlantic.

On this the unhappy fairy uttered a shriek of despair, plunged headlong into the loch, and the minister resumed his course to his home. Of mermen and merwomen many strange stories are told in the Shetland Isles.

And behind them, drawn knives in their ready hands, were half again as many merwomen, forming a protecting wall before a crouching group of cubs. Sssuri spoke to Dalgard. "Spread out your hands empty so that they may see them clearly!" The scout obeyed. In the limited light his ten fingers were fans, and it was then that he understood the reason for such a move.