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As she toiled she muttered and wagged her gray head with sage misgivings. "For my soul! There is the ver' bad hoorican' a-comin', and the child so heedless. But the signs, the omens! This same day I did fall asleep at the knitting and waked a-smother. True, 'twas Meroude, the cat, crouched on my breast; yet what sent her save for a warning?"

The fire had gone out. Meroude was asleep on the blankets spread for Margot, who had not returned, nor the master. As for that matter the house-mistress had not expected that they ever would. "There is nothin' left. I am alone. It was the glass. Ah! that the palsy had but seized my unlucky hand before I took it from its shelf! How still it is.

If you'd only treat the 'beasties' as well as you do me, Angelique dear, you'd have less cause for scolding. What I think now is speckled rooster. Right?" "Aye. Dead as dead; and the feathers still stickin' to the villain's jaws. What's the life of such brutes to that o' good fowls? Pst! Meroude! Scat!

I have stayed too long, already, though I had hoped I was making myself useful. Is he in his own study?" "Yes, and the little maid is with him. No. There she comes, but she is not laughin', no. Oh! the broken glass. Scat, Meroude! Why leap upon one to scare the breath out, that way? Pst! 'Tis here that tame creatures grow wild and wild ones tame. Scat! I say."

With one hand the woman carried a brimming pail of milk and with the other dragged by his collar the reluctant form of Reynard, who appeared as guilty and subdued as if he had been born a slave not free. To make matters more difficult, Meroude was surreptitiously helping herself to a breakfast from the pail and thereby ruining its contents for other uses.

Meroude rubbed pleadingly against her arm and, glad of any living companionship, she put out her hand to touch him; but drew it back in dread, for his surcharged fur sparkled and set her flesh a-tingle, while the whole room grew luminous with an uncanny radiance.

Now, at supper time, perfect order reigned, and perfect quiet, as well; save for the purring of Meroude upon the hearth and the simmering of the kettle. Angelique wiped her face with her apron. "The great heat! and May but young yet. It means trouble. I wish "