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That Walwyn was not yet utterly lost seemed to be owing to Harry Merrycourt. 'He on the wrong side! I exclaimed. 'He looks on the question as a lawyer, said my brother; 'holding the duty of the nation to be rather to the law than to the sovereign. 'Base! Unworthy of a gentleman! cried my mother. 'Who would believe him the kinsman of the gallant Duc de Mericour?

Mericour, however, made his bargain with the captain, who understood to transport him as far as Guernsey, whence he might easily make his way to Dorsetshire, where M. Gardon knew that Berenger's English home had been.

They all moved off again; and, before Eustacie was ready for the mallows, Madame de Quinet, for whom the very name of a wound had an attraction, returned with two hand-maidens bearing bandages and medicaments, having by this time come to the perception that the wounded youth was the son of the big Englishman who had arrived with young Mericour in search of her little protegee, and that the tall man was the husband so long supposed to be dead.

'Sit down, sir, said Noemi, a little coldly and stiffly for Mericour was a terrible name to Huguenots ears; 'a true friend to this lady must needs be welcome, above all if he comes in Heaven's name.

And would you have me keep the maid unwedded till she be thirty or thirty-five years old, waiting for your fortune? Mericour looked terribly disconcerted at this. 'Moreover, added the knight, 'they will all be at me, so soon as those poor lads come home Heaven grant they do to give her to Berenger.

Claude de Mericour had in the meantime been treated as an honoured guest at Combe Walwyn, and was in good esteem with its master. He would have set forth at once on his journey to Scotland, but that Lord Walwyn advised him to wait and ascertain the condition of his relatives there before throwing himself on them.

Claude de Mericour rose hastily, as if somewhat struck by the tone. 'The matter is this, said the knight, leading him from the house, and signing back the little girls who had sprung towards them 'it has been brought to my mind that you are but a youth, and, pardon me, my young master, but when lads and lasses have their heads together over one book, tongues wag.

He might even have plunged down among the ladies and claimed her as his wife, if the young Abbe de Mericour, who was two years older than he, and far less of a boy for his years, had not joined him in his agitated walk.

'Hark! exclaimed Berenger; 'this must be seen to. 'Have a care, returned Mericour; 'I have heard that a man needs look twice are meddling. Scarcely hearing, Berenger strode on as he had done at the last village wake, when he had rescued Cis of the Down from the impertinence of a Dorchester scrivener.