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Although this quadrigeminum is very insignificant in man and the higher mammals, it forms a special third section, greatly developed in the lower vertebrates, the "middle brain." The narrow central canal of the spinal cord continues above into the quadrangular fourth cerebral cavity of the medulla oblongata, the floor of which is the quadrangular depression.

A type of pituitocentric has an almost uncontrollable craving for sweets. Alcohol and the endocrines remain to be studied. Light, heat and humidity stand in some special relation to the adrenals. Pigment deposit in the skin as protection against light is controlled by the adrenal cortex. The reaction of the skin blood vessels to heat and humidity is regulated by the adrenal medulla.

In these conditions, a malignant transformation of the fibroma into sarcoma is to be suspected. Motor disturbances are exceptional, unless in the case of tumours within the vertebral canal, which press on the spinal medulla and cause paraplegia. [Illustration: FIG.

Evidently, only one thing namely, that by the division of the medulla there has been separated from the general tissues of the body a repressive force a something which normally controls their chemical activity and the production in them of animal heat. The existence of nerves whose function is to repress action is no new discovery in physiology.

The cerebellum, in front of and above the medulla, is the seat of the centers for the coordination of muscular activities and for maintaining the equilibrium of the body.

All chromium salts, in fact, stain the therefore labelled chromaffin cells. The characteristic staining power appears to be dependent upon, or correlated with, the presence of the internal secretion of the medulla of the adrenal, adrenalin. For the content of adrenalin, as calculated chemically, and the depth of stain as seen under the microscope, rise and fall together.

A part of the medulla oblongata, the destruction of which causes instant death. Having the appearance of glass; applied to the humor occupying the largest part of the cavity of the eyeball. The practice of operating upon living animals, for the purpose of studying some physiological process. Vocal Cords. Two elastic bands or ridges situated in the larynx; the essential parts of the organ of voice.

The cortical surface of the brain appeared much browner than usual, but neither the medullary part nor cerebellum were impaired. We chiefly took notice of the Medulla Oblongata, this was greatly enlarged, surpassing the usual size by more than one third. It was likewise more compact.

A gold medal in anatomy is likely to turn a lad's head at the start. He falls into the error that the ability to demonstrate the medulla oblongata should likewise suffice to convince the heart of a maid. Pierre enjoyed the situation; he knew life all round; he had boxed the compass of experience. He believed in Judith. The old man interested him: he was a wreck out of an unfamiliar life.

Life and death are, therefore, mechanical phenomena, health is determined by regularly recurring movements, and disease by irregularity of them. The body is simply a large hydraulic machine, controlled by "the aether" or "sensitive soul," and the chief centre of this soul lies in the medulla.