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"I have quarreled with my father-in-law, Monsieur Crevel, for having rescued your notes of hand for sixty thousand francs from Vauvinet, and that money is, beyond doubt, in Madame Marneffe's pocket.

"I will fall back on a simple little citizen's wife," said he to himself, recalling Madame Marneffe's adorable graces. "Such a woman as that will soon make me forget that grasping Josepha." Now, this was what was happening at the same moment outside and inside the curiosity shop.

"And what did Wenceslas think of her?" asked poor Hortense, trying to keep calm. "He said nothing about her to me." "I will only say one thing," said Stidmann, "and that is, that I think her a very dangerous woman." Hortense turned as pale as a woman after childbirth. "So it was at at Madame Marneffe's that you dined and not not with Chanor?" said she, "yesterday and Wenceslas and he "

"And what did Wenceslas think of her?" asked poor Hortense, trying to keep calm. "He said nothing about her to me." "I will only say one thing," said Stidmann, "and that is, that I think her a very dangerous woman." Hortense turned as pale as a woman after childbirth. "So it was at at Madame Marneffe's that you dined and not not with Chanor?" said she, "yesterday and Wenceslas and he "

The Baron felt one of those pangs of fury which have the effect, in the heart, of a fit of raging toothache, and he could hardly conceal the tears in his eyes. During this little scene, Valerie had been explaining Marneffe's imaginary determination to Montes, and thus had rid herself of him for a time.

With energy enough to scale Paradise, to have to devote it to procuring bread and water, a few rags, and a garret! That is martyrdom, my dear, and I have withered under it." She broke off suddenly, and shot a black flash into Madame Marneffe's blue eyes, a glance that pierced the pretty woman's soul, as the point of a dagger might have pierced her heart.

Marneffe's baseness was so well known to him, that he could imagine the most degrading connivance between husband and wife. "What has become of all the ladies and gentlemen?" said Marneffe, finding himself alone with Crevel. "When the sun goes to bed, the cocks and hens follow suit," said Crevel. "Madame Marneffe disappeared, and her adorers departed.

"But, my dear Hortense, you must learn something of life!" exclaimed Lisbeth, understanding the eloquence of her cousin's looks. "Otherwise, like your mother, you will find yourself abandoned in a deserted room, where you will weep like Calypso on the departure of Ulysses, and at an age when there is no hope of Telemachus " she added, repeating a jest of Madame Marneffe's.

"He is Madame Marneffe's lover," the Baron repeated very positively. "How do they manage it? I don't know; but I mean to know, and you are to find out. If you can put me on the tracks of this intrigue, your son is a notary." "Don't you fret yourself so, Monsieur le Baron," said Madame Olivier.

The bitter pressure of poverty which had stung Valerie to the quick on the day when, to use Marneffe's expression, she had "caught on" with Hulot, had brought the young woman to the conclusion that she would make a fortune by means of her good looks.