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Her name was Margarethe Kastenskjold. When she went on the stage she made it Maggie Clare. She had about as much talent for the theater as a paper doll. When I first knew her she was still getting odd jobs in third and fourth rate companies. Since then she hasn't played at all." "I understand. There's been no need of it. She's quite well dressed." "Let me go on, will you, Edith?

This brought him into acquaintance with operatic people, and he fell under the charm of that "coquettish little serpent Margarethe Lang." "To stem such a passion, or even to have given it a legal form, would have been merely ridiculous and absurd in the eyes of the demoralised circle by which he was surrounded.

The opera was first produced in London as "Faust," June 11, 1863; in English, Jan. 23, 1864; and in Germany as "Margarethe." The story of the opera follows Goethe's tragedy very closely, and is confined to the first part. It may be briefly told.

The true dauphin, the son of Louis XVI., really died a natural death, after he had served a three years' apprenticeship as shoemaker under Master Simho; and in order that a later generation might not be able to secure his ashes, he was buried in quick-lime in the Chapel of St. Margarethe." "They were not so scrupulous concerning monsieur," observed the old man, restlessly pacing the floor.

That was in 1887. Eight years after, the 1000 mark was reached, and the 1250th Parisian representation took place in 1902. Two years before "Faust" reached London, it was given in Germany, where it still enjoys great popularity, though it is called "Margarethe," in deference to the manes of Goethe. Within a few weeks in 1863 the opera had possession of two rival establishments in London.

The fifty pictures exhibited by Miss Van der Veer in Philadelphia, in February, 1904, included interiors, portraits mostly in pastel flower studies and sketches, treating Dutch peasant life. Among the most notable of these may be mentioned "The Chimney Corner," "Saturday Morning," "Mother and Child," and a portrait of the artist herself. <b>WALDAU, MARGARETHE.</b> Born in Breslau, 1860.

These other women are also of the North: Lillie Rothe, Agatha Ussing, Astrid Bagge, Margarethe Ernst, Magna Wellmann.... Her memory invokes them all, and they reappear. We seem to take part in a strange, painful revel; a witches' revel of ardent yet withered sorceresses; a revel in which the modern demons of Neurasthenia and Hysteria sport and sneer. Let us not be mistaken, however.