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"Mine? with Vera Vassilievna's? Please tell me what the talk is." When Tatiana Markovna had told the story he asked what she wished him to do. "You must clear yourself," she said. "You have been beyond reproach all your life, and must be again. As soon as Marfinka's wedding is over I shall settle on my estate at Novosselovo for good.

A day or two later he received a short answer from Vera dated from Malinovka. Marfinka's birthday fell during the next week, and when the festival was over she was to go on a long visit to her future mother-in-law. If Raisky did not make some sacrifice and return, a sacrifice to her grandmother and herself, Tatiana Markovna would be terribly lonely.

Tatiana Markovna and Marfa Egorovna carried on an interminable conversation about Marfinka's trousseau and house furnishing. The lovers went into the garden, and from there to the village. Vikentev carrying a parcel which he threw in the air and caught again as he walked. Marfinka entered every house, said good-bye to the women, and caressed the children.

"Show me proof of your art." "At the moment I have nothing except a trifling thing, and even that is not complete." He rose from the divan and uncovered Marfinka's portrait. "H'm, it's like her, and good," declared Mark. He told himself that Raisky had talent. "And it would be excellent, but the head is too large in proportion and the shoulders a trifle broad."

Cocks, hens and ducks fled in panic, the dogs dashed barking at Marfinka's heels, the servants put their heads out of the windows of their quarters, in the garden the tall plants swayed hither and hither, the flower beds were broken by the print of flying feet, two or three vases were overturned, and every bird sought refuge in the depths of the trees.