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He did not look as ill as he was, for the water puffed him up, and his face kept its colour. His stomach was much swollen. He glanced round swiftly, turning his eyes without turning his head. He was the wreck of a handsome, well-built man. Seeing Hadrian, a queer, unwilling smile went over his face. The young man greeted him sheepishly. 'You wouldn't make a life-guardsman, he said.

"A Visit to the Camp" gives just such a scene save that the characters are in eighteenth-century costume as might be witnessed even to-day, when parents, aunts and cousins visit their young hopeful amid the martial surroundings of his volunteer camp; and here, too, may be mentioned a series of single figures in military costume a "Life-guardsman," "Light Infantryman," "Light-horseman" and a "Foot-soldier."

At the same time this was no degrading condition; for Fountainhall records a duel fought between a Life-Guardsman and an officer in the militia, because the latter had taken upon him to assume superior rank as an officer, to a gentleman private in the Life-Guards. The Life-Guards man was killed in the rencontre, and his antagonist was executed for murder.

"I think I like 'Why was Balaam like a Life-Guardsman? better, on the whole," I say, presently, peeping through my fingers, and speaking with a suspicious tremble in my voice. "I have no doubt it is far superior," he answers, in a fierce and sulky tone, that he in vain tries to make sound playful. "'Balaam like a Life-Guardsman? and why was he, may I ask?

"Ought I to ask you to come and meet me as if you were a little housemaid meeting her life-guardsman?" Donal had said feverishly the second time they met. A sweet flush ran up to the roots of her hair and even showed itself on the bit of round throat where her dress was open. "Yes, you ought," she answered. "There are no little housemaids and life-guardsmen now.

Some of his comrades, whom we afterwards saw, said that there were various reports about him on the shore; one that he had taken on with Mumbo Jumbo, and was serving him in his house in the woods, in the capacity of swashbuckler, or life-guardsman; another, that he was gone in quest of a mighty city in the heart of the negro country; another, that in swimming a stream he had been devoured by an alligator.