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The Manchus complained, no doubt with justice, of excesses on the part of Chinese officials; the friction constantly increased, and the Manchus began to attack the Chinese cities in Manchuria. In 1618, the year in which the Thirty Years War started in Europe, the Manchus conquered the greater part of Manchuria, and in 1621 their capital was Liaoyang, then the largest town in Manchuria.

The first great phase of the field-operations may be said to have terminated with the battle of Liaoyang, which commenced on August 25th and continued almost without interruption for nine days, terminating on the 3rd of September. In this historic contest the Russians had 220,000 men engaged.

1 Provinces Fengtien. Locality District Mineral Niu Hsin T'ai Pen-hsi Coal 2. Tien Shih Fu Kou Pen-hsi Coal 3. Sha Sung Kang Hai-lung Coal 4. T'ieh Ch'ang Tung-hua Coal 5. Nuan Ti T'ang Chin Coal 6. An Shan Chan region From Liaoyang to Pen-hsi Iron Sha Sung Kang Ho-lung Coal & Iron 2. Chia P'i Kou Hua-tien Gold I avail, etc.,

His plan was to throw forward his right so as to outflank the Japanese, recover possession of Liaoyang, and obtain command of the railway. He set his troops in motion on the 9th of October, but he was driven back after more than a week's fighting.

"A man ought not to be afraid to listen if there's a chance for him to be proved wrong " "Correct, absolutely. I am merely thinking about our job." "A man gets in the habit of thinking about his job doesn't he?" "Did he tell you about the plowman of Liaoyang?" "No, but my companion did. Fallows must have seen that episode rather clearly." "Let's not get off the job business, Peter.

|Locality |District |Mineral | | | |Niu Hsin T'ai |Pen-hsi |Coal |Tien Shih Fu Kou |Pen-hsi |Coal |Sha Sung Kang |Hai-lung |Coal |T'ieh Ch'ang |Tung-hua |Coal |Nuan Ti Tang |Chin |Coal |An Shan Chan region |From Liaoyang to Pen-hsi |Iron Article 5.

Barely a month had elapsed since the great battle at Liaoyang, and it still remains uncertain what had happened in that interval to justify the issue of such an order.

It is, perhaps, easier to haze and hammer bewildered Hindus and Tamils, as is being done across the Border, than to stampede the men of the Yalu and Liaoyang. But when one began to ask questions one got lost in a maze of hints, reservations, and orations, mostly delivered with constraint, as though the talkers were saying a piece learned by heart. Here are some samples:

To-day they are bringing in the wounded soldiers from Liaoyang, and I try to keep away from the windows so I will not see them. Those bright strong boys that left here such a little while ago, are coming back on stretchers, crippled and disfigured for life. Yesterday while taking a walk, I saw about two hundred men, right off the transport, waiting for the doctors and nurses to come.

Strategists are agreed that, had Kuropatkin's plans found competent agents to execute them, the Japanese advance would have been at least checked at Liaoyang. In fact, the Japanese, in drafting their original programme, had always expected that Nogi's army would be in a position on the left flank in the field long before there was any question of fighting at Liaoyang.