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Following this decision, in May, 1794, the king of Prussia gave him into the keeping of the Emperor of Austria, and the dangerous prisoner, together with three of the officers who were with him when arrested, Latour-Maubourg, Bureaux-de-Pusy, and Lameth, were promptly carried to the strong fortress of Olmütz, high up in the gloomy Carpathian Mountains.

The old and young guard had not then more than from nine to ten thousand infantry, and two thousand cavalry; Davoust and the first corps, from eight to nine thousand; Ney and the third corps, five to six thousand; Prince Eugene and the army of Italy, five thousand; Poniatowski, eight hundred; Junot and the Westphalians, seven hundred; Latour-Maubourg and the rest of the cavalry, fifteen hundred; there might also be about one thousand light horse, and five hundred dismounted cavalry, whom we had succeeded in collecting together.

May I hope that you will have the goodness of receiving him kindly, and even of giving him some information respecting the present state of affairs. I fancied you would not be sorry to converse with a man whose merit is so universally acknowledged. He desires ardently to succeed in obtaining the esteem of our nation. One of his friends himself told me so. Madame Charles de Latour-Maubourg.

The great army by this time scarcely amounted to 36,000 fighting men; and the cavalry, entirely under the orders of General Latour-Maubourg, only counted 1800 horse. Napoleon followed on the left bank the road from Smolensk to Orscha, without taking the precaution to place between him and General Kutuzoff the rapid current of the Dnieper. He was soon to pay dearly for this fault.

Jomini. Baron. *Jourdan. Comte. Junot. Duc d'Abrantès. *Kellermann. Duc de Valmy. *Lannes. Duc de Montebello. Larrey. Baron. Latour-Maubourg. Baron. Lauriston. Comte. Lavalette. Comte. Minister of Posts. *Lefebvre. Duc de Danzig. *Macdonald. Duc de Taranto. Maret. Duc de Ragusa. *Masséna. Miot. Comte de Melito. Méneval. Baron. Mollien. Comte. Minister of the Treasury. *Moncey. Duc de Conegliano.

In this calculation my stepfather had omitted to forecast the chance that his brother might come to the hotel on the Boulevard de Latour-Maubourg, that he would be ushered into my mother's presence, and that the result of the shock to himself his health being already undermined by his prolonged mental anguish would be a fresh attack of his malady.