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Now Mr Fothergill was the duke's land-agent, and he it was who had greeted Frank and his friends at their entrance. Immediately the gong was again sounded, and another door leading out of the drawing-room into the dining-room was opened. The duke led the way, and then the guests followed.

Cayley, then, at twenty-three, looked after his cousin's affairs. By this time Mark had bought the Red House and the considerable amount of land which went with it. Cayley superintended the necessary staff. His duties, indeed, were many. He was not quite secretary, not quite land-agent, not quite business-adviser, not quite companion, but something of all four.

"After this, the lawyer went to reside in Dublin; and the only bodily injury he received was the death of a land-agent and a bailiff, who lost their lives faithfully in driving for rent. They died, however, successfully; the bailiff having been provided for nearly a year before the agent was sent to give an account of his stewardship as the Authorized Version has it.

For this land, like a happy country, has escaped, for years and years, the affliction of much history. It has not felt the desolating tramp of lawyer or land-agent, nor been bombarded by fine and recovery, lease and release, bargain and sale, Doe and Roe and Geoffrey Styles, and the rest of the pitiless shower of slugs, ending with a charge of Demons.

Perhaps he'd have got a place by then gamekeeper, perhaps he'd like to be a gamekeeper. At this Jack, mentally, threw up the sponge. "You really mean to go on at this rotten idea of yours?" Frank opened his eyes wide. "Why, of course. Good Lord! did you think I was bluffing?" "But ... but it's perfectly mad. Why on earth don't you get a proper situation somewhere land-agent or something?"

And fat Captain Cluffe's gall rose and nearly choked him, and; he cursed Dangerfield in the bottom of his corpulent, greedy soul, and wondered what fiend had sent that scheming old land-agent three hundred miles out of his way, on purpose to interfere with his little interests, as if there were not plenty of of well! rich old women in London.